You’re a God or Goddess in human form, and whatever wisdom, enlightenment and love comes from the God within you. You are an ambassador of the divine, imparting your gifts and knowledge to the world for the ultimate expansion of the universe. Danny G.
Bright Colored Lenses
Contemplate your gifts and potential. Contemplate your future through your bright colored lenses. Contemplate the universe conspiring on your behalf. Retell the story through the eyes of source, and see it play back as your newly created reality. Danny G.
Paint A Masterpiece
Don’t expect the rain to never fall, or the storm to never pass through. See yourself as a victor and overcomer destined to be, as you paint your masterpiece in the midst of the storm. Allow your gifts to shine brightly as you accept the seasons, embrace life, and make memories. Expect yourself to break free, claim it yours, until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Beautiful Soul
There’s a lingering fear in the depth of your being wanting to break free. Although you squirm and attempt to bury your emotions, it only surfaces more. Find peace with your heart and soul, and learn to be at peace despite what’s simmering underneath. For when the fear no longer hinders you, peace and solace remains your power, gifting, and light. Then you allow what was once a hindrance, to bloom into a beautiful soul. Danny G.
Under My Feet
When the rock struck you sideways, know there’s purpose within the storm. No matter how dire it seems, don’t forget your worthiness and will. You’re a victor and overcomer, and you have always been. The storm is calling you to proclaim freedom and peace. Therefore, go forth, release your gifts and guiding light to the world. Say it’s under my feet, release the chains and claim it yours. Danny G.
Your Power and Gifting
You are the masterpiece of your life, therefore, create intentionally while knowing imagination is what springs forth all happiness and triumph. Every single trophy had to be created by man’s skillful hands, and it was delivered to man’s gifted hands. Therefore, know your power, your gifting, and your role in the evolution of your journey. Danny G.
Destined for Greatness
Nothing is random or an accident, and neither are you. You were created with purpose and uniqueness, destined to spark change. Don’t doubt your power, your gifts, and your origin, for the universe is waiting for you to unleash the inner you, who is destined for greatness. Danny G.
Your Soul Yearns Growth
Seek your inner self, and don’t allow the world to conform you. Your soul yearns for growth, through self discovery and freedom. Therefore, be who you truly are, while exploring and seeking wisdom, so you may shine your gifts for a brighter humanity. Danny G.
Listen To Your Authentic Self
You were created with purpose, uniqueness, and gifts. Don’t try to follow someone else’s path, for they have their own journey and strengths. Listen to your inner guidance, to who you truly are, and to your authentic self. It won’t fail, and you’ll realize there’s a world inside waiting to be discovered. Danny G.
Passion is Our Calling
That passion you have, that you always had, and that is now the focus of your life, is God’s calling for your life. It’s your gifting for the world, but it’s also your gifting for your own evolution and journey. Accept it, embrace it, and allow it to unfold as it should, and know the universal force is always guiding you every step of the way to your victory. Danny G.