Create Your Own Label

If a homeless man was to teach you about love or faith when you felt completely alone and fearful, would he not be considered a teacher to you? Would you obliterate his words because he is a homeless man? Would you believe a world-renowned guru more than the homeless man even if his words were exactly the same as the guru? Often times we don’t take a person seriously because of his status or appearance, yet if someone had a suit and tie and he was recognized, we’d give him more credibility.

We don’t need a position of prestige to be assigned the label of a teacher or saviour. An individual teaches because he has an insightful message to share with others. An individual is a saviour if he saves someone from destruction or death, not because some outside source assigned him the label.

Does God’s spirit only dwell in the masters of this planet, or does he dwell in all his people? If God lives in all of us, then we can do great things such as the world’s greatest teachers. Jesus said in the scripture that with faith we would be able to do great things as he has done. That means we’re not limited by status, or a label.

Everyone who is spiritual or religious would say it’s the spirit of God which allows our heart to beat. If God allows our heart to beat, we know we would die if his spirit would leave us, therefore, we know he lives in us indefinitely.

We’ve all heard the Christian saying, I’m so filled with the holy spirit. Can’t we all access this holy spirit if we’re all made of the same stuff that creates worlds? The only limit is our thinking.

Being filled with the holy spirit only means being connected to our soul, and God. We connect to our soul by focusing on love which is God. We can’t help but to lead and teach by the clarity of our example, because who we truly are is meant to uplift.

How can we not teach something we are genuinely living ourselves? We don’t need labels to teach love or faith. We don’t need the label of a world-renowned guru to help others and humanity? Some people can hear the world’s famous Guru and not relate, but they can hear what a homeless man has to say, and be forever changed and enlightened.

Do we need a source outside of ourselves giving us a label, or can we create our own label and help others in which ever way we choose?

The Saying All Things Are Possible

We’ve heard the saying “all things are possible.” It’s been repeated over and over again through scriptures, and by all the masters that ever walked on this planet. If there’s a will there’s a way is another saying that has essentially the same meaning. Do we truly believe this statement that all things are possible? If we truly believed this statement, what would happen if we got sick or we faced a challenge that we felt was beyond our control? Would we say game is over and I don’t think I’ll ever get through this?

What happens when we face a diagnosis or challenge and say, “it’s impossible and I don’t think I’ll ever get through this?” We don’t take appropriate action to be well and succeed, and to start planning ahead in our future. We start expecting the worse, and even if we have all the resources we’ll ever need, we don’t believe we do, therefore, we can’t receive.

When we start preparing in our mind, we also prepare our reality, so make sure you prepare for success and wellness, which will attract everything you need for your journey to well-being.

What happens when we don’t contemplate this saying and we don’t believe it? When we face an adversity that seems beyond the scope of our understanding, we feel inferior, and the adversity hits us like a ton of bricks.

We feel overwhelmed and we don’t know how to handle it, and then out of vulnerability, we allow others to convince us that we’re incapable and that it’s impossible.

Essentially we create our own story, and the pen is in our hand. We should consider the statement that’s been repeated over and over again by the world’s greatest teachers. All things are possible, and this doesn’t exclude anything.

If the so-called masters of this planet all have one common modality, it’s to believe in the impossible, and if they all declare one saying, there must be truth in its validity. Whatever one person has accomplished, so can you as we are all made up of the same energy that creates worlds.

When we spend time reflecting on this statement, “all things are possible,” we begin to focus on the solution and all the possibilities that seemed impossible, when we were focused on the problem.

When we face challenges that feel overwhelming and impossible, such as health, career, or relationship challenges, we have a new awareness and belief that we planted in our mind that says, “all things are possible.” This new awareness allows us to stretch our disbelief into believing I can.

Contemplating this statement and believing in its viability by repeating it over and over again, is the only means to fully understand and believe its meaning. Then when we face a challenge that seems insurmountable, we will remember the saying that seemed so illogical at first, however, now when we speak it, we believe it.

What some people consider is impossible, we believe we can do it, because if God said it’s possible, then we don’t need approval from others to say I CAN!

Loving Oneself (Poem)

When he truly loves himself,

Accepts himself as he is,

Why does he need approval,

From anybody else.

If he is secure,

The critics don’t matter,

He knows where he stands,

Controversies don’t last.

If he truly loves himself,

Then why does he need convincing,

To prove to him, only what he can.

For if he is secure,

Then no words can offend him,

And he forgets what’s said.

When he truly loves himself,

What do compliments do,

Than reinforce what he knows.

And what does criticism do,

If it disagrees with his whole.

If he truly loves himself,

Why does he need praise,

When he praises himself,

And what is disrespect,

When he respects himself.

If he truly loves himself,

Then there’s no convincing,

And no ridicule,

That can make him change.

Because he is secure,

In what he knows,

And what others say,

He doesn’t care,

For he respects himself,

Above all else.

When he truly loves himself,

He doesn’t need another,

To bring him, only what he can.

A lover or a friend,

Only reinforces who he is,

For he searches himself,

And then the right ones come,

And are here to stay.

When he truly loves himself,

He doesn’t forget himself,

Or where he comes from,

Or who he is.

Because he is secure,

In what he knows,

And he loves himself,

Despite what others say.

Our True Identity

The body is only an exterior shell that holds the soul. The shell is irrelevant to who we truly are, as we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience occasionally.

Are we merely flesh and bone? If you say I am only this flesh and bone, then you say I am here merely because of evolution. What control do you have if you believe “only” in evolution? If you believe only in evolution you believe you’re here by coincidence.

If you get sick, you would have to rely solely on conventional medicine, which is effective for the majority, but how many times has conventional medicine been ineffective? Why cast your faith in humanity rather than God, the universe, and creator?

If God created everything including you, then he has the wherewithal to bring you back to wellness, and he has the solution and the wherewithal for anything you desire. When we remember our source and the universal laws that govern humanity, we have the insight we need to achieve what we want in life.

I believe conventional medicine is effective, however, I strongly believe doing the mental work along with the treatment, which ever treatment is best for you, is even more effective.

Doing the mental work is the only means that guarantees healing unlike putting all your faith in conventional medicine alone, and depending on a system to cure you. The system works for some people and doesn’t work for others but God, the one who created it all, has the answers to your healing and it starts with your thoughts and beliefs.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a solution for everything through simple reasoning and science?

What happens when we’re stuck in a pit so deep we can’t possibly think of a way out, and there is no logical means to get out? Then we say God, I’ve tried everything, nothing’s worked, please help me. Why wait until you’re in the pit? If you wait until you’re already in the pit, it’s much harder to get out, and not panic. But if you practice your faith and you focus on the divinity that created you and the source which lives inside you, the source who knows every possible means to get out, then you don’t panic and you’re not overwhelmed. You know you have the tools to get out.

If you start investing time in your relationship with you and God, two possible outcomes will occur-either you’ll prevent the trouble from occurring in the first place or you’ll know how to handle the adversity when it strikes you. Essentially, if you rely on your human capabilities, or science alone, you’re casting your faith in a system that’s incomplete and will always be incomplete without the source who created it all.

Furthermore, the other problem lies if you say your identity is from material possessions or status. If this is the case, what happens if you lose all your material belongings or status tomorrow? Would you break down, and say my life is over? Would you still break down if you had stable footing and you had your priorities in order, and you knew the source who created the universe can get you out of any hole? If you knew your identity and happiness wasn’t based on your job or wealth or status, and you lost everything tomorrow, would you still declare my life is over?

I believe as humans it’s normal to be upset when we lose something, the problem lies when we become dependent on things or physicality as our source of happiness.

Would a marriage fall apart if love was based on their true identity and not superficial reasons or intentions? How long can a marriage sustain if a marriage is based on superficial reasons or intentions? What happens when you get old and wrinkly, sick or poor? It may be worthwhile to evaluate if your intentions or reasons for marriage are still going to be there when you’re 60, or if circumstances change, and you’re sick and broke.

Focusing on our identity means focusing on where we came from and why we’re here, and on the source that gives us life. Our True Identity is the expansion of our inner self and the mission we choose for ourself to improve humanity and species and the preservation of our planet?

Seeking material wealth before the evolution of our soul is saying I’d rather be rich then be who I truly am. Seeking primarily outer beauty when choosing a mate is saying I’d rather have a pretty face to look at, and for others to see, then to have a meaningful relationship and be happy. Seeking primarily external appearances in oneself is saying I’d rather appear attractive on the outside then focus on the essence of who I am.

Jobs come and go, wealth comes and goes, looks fade away, bodies get older, but the one thing that remains and never fades away is the spirit that gives us life. What sustains us when we lose our job, wealth, or lover?

Don’t get over consumed with everything that’s subject to change. Focus on what truly matters, what brings joy and peace, because a title or riches or a pretty face will not bring you happiness but the soul will.