The Path of Greater Joy

There is no right or wrong, there are just better choices that agree with your soul. There are those choices that resonate with your very core, and there are those choices that steal or take away your joy. It’s not a question of right or wrong, it’s a question of “are you happy, and which path will bring more joy?” Danny G.

The Old Soul

Seeking merely expensive toys, a life of luxury and status will never bring true happiness and success. The old soul seeks to fulfill the soul, through seeking within, finding purpose, and being of value. Neither should be condemned, as it’s all about finding balance, where freedom lies. Nevertheless, being the old soul, is what brings true joy, and fulfillment. Danny G.

Growing Spiritually

Being in alignment is seeking inward to know ourselves and our power. When we devote our lives for the purpose of growing spiritually, we know we can tackle whatever comes our way. We know nothing is impossible, as we have the power to change in the palm of our hands. By changing our lives, inevitably, we change whomever crosses our path. Growing on a spiritual level is our true purpose and calling, and it will bring the ultimate joy and happiness. Danny G.

Joy and Freedom

Joy is the reason for being. If something brings you joy, and peace, embrace it, allow it, and let it unfold as it should. Know that God wants nothing less than for you to be happy, at peace, and truly fulfilled. When you realize this, you know what true freedom is, and you know you’re destined for happiness and success. Danny G.

Believe and Persevere

Steer away from anything that blocks happiness and spiritual growth, for anything that hinders joy and growth, does not come from God. Guard your heart, and know that with it, you can flourish and move mountains if you simply believe. Danny G.

The Victors

We’re victors with a mission in mind for happiness and success. We’re born to do great things and change the world. Every person is a God or Goddess imparting their seed into the world. Victory is in your blood line, and you’re destined to leave a mark in this generation. Danny G.

Being Optimistic

There’s always a bright side to the story no matter how difficult or chaotic your world may seem. You must find a way to focus on the optimistic story rather than the pessimistic story. Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Just ensure you choose a happy ending with a meaningful and purposeful journey. Danny G.

Appreciation the Answer

Why is gratitude and appreciation the answer? Because when you’re grateful and appreciative of your life, you’re in a positive frame of mind. When you’re in a positive frame of mind, you’re receptive to all the good that can come. Gratitude and appreciation only brings happiness, inner peace, and success, while pessimism only brings sadness and misery. When you’re appreciative of you, you’re only doing yourself a favor, and you don’t feel the exhaustion and sickness that pessimism brings. Danny G.

Predestined Relationships

Some people will only love you during certain seasons when everything seems great beneath the bright soaring sun. Others will watch you at your lowest point and know undoubtedly the greatness you were born to be. These are the ones meant for you, and these are the ones who will ultimately bring you joy and shape your destiny. Danny G.

Acting With Love

Are you acting out of anger, or love? Anger never brings inner peace and happiness, but love is the best gateway to your personal freedom and joy. It’s also contagious, and it illuminates the path for all the lives you touch, for you cannot help but lead by the clarity of your example. Therefore, ask yourself every time your emotions are slipping, am I acting out of anger or love? Danny G.