Focus on living and not just existing. We fear our world collapsing but we do not fear merely existing. Our mind is focused on the dread of tomorrow rather than being happy. Be the person who says at 80, I truly lived. Danny G.
Focus On What Brings Joy
What happens when you focus on love, harmony, compassion, appreciation, and gratitude? Can you feel stressed or depressed when you’re focusing on what brings joy? What creates illness? Research has indicated that stress is the number one factor that creates illness. Therefore, the wise approach would be to focus on what brings joy, and you’ll be happier and healthier, mind, body and spirit. Danny G.
Your True Source is You (Poem)
We live our lives,
Depending on others,
To make us happy,
Because deep down,
We feel scared and frail,
And need approval,
From other souls.
We search for approval,
Through everyone but we,
Because the moment
Someone values what,
We cannot conceive,
We want more,
To escape the longing,
Inside our soul.
The longing becomes unbearable,
Each time we need approval,
We seek outside ourselves,
To bring only, what we can.
We don’t get to the source,
Which is our soul,
If we simply listen,
The answer is within,
The essential calling,
Of our soul.
Look Within
Have you ever heard of someone who’s always grumpy, complaining, and pessimistic about life? Can he have a fabulous life? Even if he did have a fabulous life, he wouldn’t recognize it, therefore, he wouldn’t be happy. Do you want to be the bitter pessimistic person, or do you want to be the optimistic, and appreciative survivor? A sour outlook on life will never get you anywhere. Be the person who says I’m going to be positive and grateful despite negative circumstances or conditions. Danny G.
Impress Them the Right Way
Why do we so desperately want to impress others through money, recognition, or power? Why not impress others by being a good-hearted and happy person? Because happiness, and compassion is much more important than money, recognition or power. Danny G.
Wait For It
The right time to call your exit on this physical plane, will be when you say it’s my time and I’ve completed my mission and I shall go in peace. Until then you have a life to live and happiness that lies ahead. Danny G.
Don’t Condemn It
Don’t condemn anything that produces healing for anything that heals is from the divine. God only wants health and happiness for his children, and anything that heals mentally, physically and spiritually comes from him. The scripture clearly states “He came that we may have life, joy abundance,” so anything that brings life, joy and abundance must come from God. Danny G.
Quote For Today
We’re all made of flesh and bone, the only difference is in our thinking, and perception changes everything. Danny G.
What are affirmations and why do they work? Think about your thoughts and the words you speak for a minute. What are they? Your thoughts and words are a stream of affirmations and beliefs. Every thought you think and every word you speak, you’re affirming what you know about the subject, and how you feel about the subject.
When you’re feeling depressed, you’re affirming you’re depressed for a variety of reasons which are all affirmations. When you’re feeling fear, you’re affirming the very reasons that make you fearful.
If you never work at changing your thoughts or words they will remain or become your beliefs and expectations, which will become your reality in time. You must make an effort at changing your thoughts and words, or it’s the experiences and circumstances in your life that will decide for you. For without a change in thoughts, life remains.
How can your life change if you don’t change your thoughts, and your affirmations? If your life would change regardless of your persistent fear and depression, that would mean thoughts and words have no power, which defies logic and law.
What happens when you speak a positive affirmation is that you interrupt the negative thought and you focus on a new thought of what you want to experience rather than the opposite of what you want. What God has given us is a tool to take charge of a situation and our lives. The tool makes sense because if we continue to dwell only on thoughts of fear or depression, we will remain in this state and we will eventually attract what we fear and what we’re depressed about.
Even if you have that thing you want, would you be happy to have it if you were dwelling only on thoughts of fear or depression? Essentially, you have two options, allow the adversity to speak for itself and take you wherever it leads, or you can speak to the adversity and to yourself, which inevitably changes your reality.
In order to change a thought you must introduce a new thought. When you introduce a new thought, you may not believe it yet, but what happens is when you keep on repeating it you’re not thinking so much of the old thought and you’re focusing on a new train of thought.
We can not have a life without thought, nor can there be a universe without thought, since this would defy all logic and the laws of the universe. How can we create without thought? Isn’t every idea from thought? Doesn’t all action and words stem from thoughts?
Now ask yourself this, how much impact do my thoughts have over my life? If you say my thoughts have no power over the unfolding of my life, then you’re saying your life is predetermined, and that you have no control. What control do you have other than your thoughts? What moves you to action other than your thoughts? If you say your thoughts have partial control over the unfolding of your life, then you’re saying your life is partially under your control. If you say your thoughts have complete control over the unfolding of your life, then you can say I am in control.
As we speak affirmations, we move towards the new thought because we speak about it and act on it. As before you were thinking, speaking and acting on your old beliefs but now you’re thinking, speaking and acting on a new belief.
So next time you face a dilemma or you feel inadequate, change your affirmations and know that the very things you’re affirming will inevitably become your reality, and know that the process will unfold just as you spoke it into being.