Already Yours

Let go of negative attachments, past hurts and disappointments. You have so much potential within you. You have so much more joyous and successful experiences waiting for you. Embrace your freedom, power and claim it yours as though it’s already in the palm of your hands. Danny G.  

Happiness and Inner Peace

Don’t allow the chaos and havoc to steal your happiness and inner peace. Don’t allow the challenge to be greater than who you are. Don’t allow your strength to diminish from the battle. You’re a spiritual warrior destined to triumph. Danny G. 

A New Creation

Letting go is the best path to enlightenment and happiness. Letting go means releasing negative attachments and baggage. It’s embracing the new and creating anew. It’s accepting the past, learning from it and moving on to the next chapter. It’s knowing everyday is a new creation and work of art. Danny G. 

God’s Intentions

God’s intentions for you is happiness. You can trust that the divine always leads to happiness. Just like a loving father wants the best for his children, so does God want the best for you and humanity. Danny G. 

Acts Of Faith

Never supplicate with God, for supplication is an act of lack, not of faith. When you supplicate you deny your faith, for whatever you ask in faith, you know you shall receive it, if it’s God’s will. Know God’s will always has your highest interest at heart. Know God’s will for you is happiness, peace and success. Affirm it, declare it, and know it’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Stillness Tranquility and Inner Peace

Stillness, tranquility and inner peace produce happiness and a sound mind. When everything around you is in chaos or havoc, the spirit of stillness still lives inside you. Recognize that feeling, and know that under any circumstances and events, you can return to it. This is where your power lies, and it’s where your perception changes. When your perception changes, so does your life and future. Danny G. 

Success is Inevitable

Success is happiness. Success is inner peace. Success is faith. When you live by these truths, success is inevitable, and you know that seeking inward is your true calling, purpose and destiny. Danny G. 

Praise It

Life gives you the opportunity to feel gratitude. Fully embrace the moment as it’s the best means of achieving happiness and success. When you focus on gratitude, the emotions of pessimism and bitterness cannot remain. Never take for granted all the great and lovely things in your life. Praise it, so you may allow a multitude more to manifest into being. Danny G. 

Changing Your Inner Dialogue

The mind is capable of creating any type of emotion. If the mind is capable of creating sadness, misery and heartache, the mind is capable of achieving joy, excitement and enthusiasm. Talk yourself into it and create your own motivation until you feel it in the depth of your soul. Change your inner dialogue, don’t fall prey to it, and say I will overcome and thrive. Danny G. 

Embodying Success

Embody your new created reality. Embody success and victory. Embody health, peace, happiness and the supernatural being you are. When you embody these feelings and outcomes, you become their very essence. Danny G.