Don’t seek merely the end product, enjoy the journey and make memories. There is no end, life is a continuous unfolding of growth and exploration. When we seek merely the end product, we don’t live in the moment and embrace all the opportunities for happiness and success. Seek the joy of the moment, and the rest will unfold as you declare it to be. Danny G.
Accepting Change
To live in wisdom and happiness, you must accept change and embrace it. Not allowing change and not letting go, is fighting the inevitable. Change is constantly happening, and often we get stuck on yesterdays, or wanting to relive the past. Accept your new self, and accept that your life is constantly changing. Embrace it, and remember the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Danny G.
Within Your Reach
Speak your affirmations in the present as though they’re manifesting now. You have the right to happiness, success and inner peace. As the God or Goddess you are, these emotions and manifestations are within your reach at all times. Allow them to come to fruition in the present now. Danny G.
Happiness and Fulfillment
Don’t focus on the lack of your desires, focus on how to bring it to fruition. Focusing on lack never brings about your harvest, but focusing on your desires, and taking action steps to your dream, is the best means of achieving happiness and fulfillment. Danny G.
Success and Happiness
When your thoughts are scattered, and you feel overwhelmed beyond belief, allow the stimulation to lead you to greater joy and purpose. Don’t allow the overwhelming thoughts to consume you and confuse you. Let it catapult you to greater success, and happiness. Danny G.
Walking Steadfastly
Everything you need will be provided at the right time. Don’t fret the future, enjoy the present, make memories, and walk steadfastly to your dream and purpose. Stop trying to figure it all out since the divine works in miraculous ways, and his ways are infinite and limitless for his perfect will and purpose. Trust the process, and find all the strength you can muster up. When you believe and don’t give in, he will intervene for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G.
Simply A Remembrance
Don’t beat yourself down into a rabbit hole with no means of escape. Appreciate where you are, look around at your own creation, the good, the bad, and recognize it’s all part of your divine journey. Acceptance is key to feel peace with yourself, and acceptance is key to release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to moving forward with joy and gratitude in your heart, knowing the burden was simply a remembrance of your ultimate potential and gifts. Danny G.
The Best Vantage Point
When stepping onto uncharted territory, and change comes knocking at your door, believe in the inevitable process that the journey will get better and better. The unknown is the best vantage point for positive change, and when you declare positive change in the midst of uncertainty and doubt, you change your path into inevitable success, joy and gratification. Danny G.
Source is Within You
Have the courage to step forth boldly despite the opposition turning your way. Have the persistence to move forward despite the shackles beneath your feet. And when everything tells you just to give in, persevere, claim it yours, for the divine is within you, orchestrating it all in your favor, for your ultimate best and happiness. Danny G.
The Timeline Of Your Life
The answer remains inside for all the happiness, health and success that is destined to be. Don’t seek external matters that fade away with time. Seek the eternal truths, embrace them, live them, while taking action steps to your dreams. Watch them play out in the movie screen of your mind, and eventually the timeline of your life. Danny G.