Anything limiting your abilities is a hindrance. Recognize what limitations you must release. Realize your power and potential through the infinite source. Turn limitation into limitless through faith and persistence. Danny G.
Your Greatest Breakthrough
Even though you may not see a solution, or a means of escape, know source, the ultimate provider, has all the answers you’re looking for, and he knows how to orchestrate it for your greatest good. Your answer lies in not doubting the process, and not giving in to fear. What you think is a hindrance, may actually be what causes your greatest breakthrough. Remain open minded, and know the infinite, limitless universe has everything you need, and he’s aware of all your desires as he steadily works to conspire on your behalf. Danny G.
Releasing and Letting Go
Letting go is releasing everything that is hindering us from personal growth and fulfillment. It’s releasing what’s no longer serving us, so we may walk steadfastly and unwaveringly to our dreams. When we let go, we allow ourselves to be in alignment with the divinity that we are, while allowing our lives to flourish and prosper to our divine mission. Danny G.
Letting Go and Embracing the New
I know I must let go, because in the depth of my being, it’s a dead-end road bound to cause sorrow. I know I must let go, because I need to move on, and looking back perpetuates the unfolding. I know I must let go, for my own good, and I know I must let go, to move on, from the destructive hindrance, of holding on. Danny G.