Watch It Grow

If you focus merely on your current reality, where is your hope for a greater tomorrow? Focusing on what is, perpetuates what is. Embracing your reality while expecting a greater future is what faith is all about. Plant your seed and watch it grow. Danny G. 

Faith in the Infinite Intelligence

When adversity strikes hard in your life, and you have no faith, what will you rely on? If you don’t depend on your spiritual evolution, you’re relying on the faith of others. Often times, it fails. True healing and breakthrough comes from within. When you’re relying on a system, you’re casting your faith on happenstance. Cast your faith in you, on the divine and infinite intelligence you are, and the answer and solution will manifest and thrive. Danny G. 

Ambassador of Hope

Don’t fight the system, be pro peace, be pro prosperity, and be pro abundance. By fighting the system, you only perpetuate the ongoing battle of conflict and war. Be an ambassador of hope, peace, and abundance, so you may shine your light to those in need, and so you may fight the battle the compassionate way, the only way the divine intended us to, from the very beginning. Danny G. 

Reclaim It Now

Maybe life didn’t turn out as you hoped, or you feel lost, confused and heartbroken. Perhaps you had much greater plans, and the challenges feel much beyond your reach. I can assure you God is with you when the sun sets, when the night turns dark, and the ground trembles beneath your feet. Believe in the God or Goddess that you are, claim your freedom and victory now, cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G.

Cast Your Faith

When all else fails, remember God has your back, and he’s breathing in your direction and leading. If it feels hopeless, know God favors you and anoints you to be you. For you are unique, and there’s no one quite like you. Don’t doubt the dreams or missions in your heart. Cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G. 

The Intentions for the Journey

You can get so attached and entwined in this reality, you forget about hope and faith, and why you embarked on this journey. You get twisted up, and tangled, forgetting there’s always a means of escape. So seek within, know your power, declare your faith, and you’ll discover a wold inside, always willing to bring you back home. Danny G.

Claim Your Power

There’s always hope no matter how dark it seems, despite the long trek, trials and temptations. Allow God to reveal the path, while you declare your faith and perseverance. Claim your power, look ahead, and declare your destiny and dream. Danny G.

Unlimited Power

Believing we cannot have all the great things we hope for, is essentially saying we’re unworthy or inadequate. For if you believed in your power and gifts, nothing can hold you back. You would know that you are loved, cherished, and that God has unlimited power to unleash his magic. Danny G.

I’ll Hope the Best

Even if it doesn’t work out, my intentions remain the same. Even if it doesn’t work out, my thoughts will never change. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll hope the best for you until my dying day. Danny G.