Thought for Today

We will all cross over at one point in time. When you do, I hope you’ll be able to have no regrets, that you have lived fully, and that you have fulfilled your greatest dreams and goals. When at the end of your life, you will not think I should have saved more, or I should have worked more, or I should have attended one more work meeting. You will say, I made my contribution to humanity.  I made a difference in people’s lives. I lived a happy and peaceful life. I was compassionate and kind. I followed my passion and bliss. Those are the statements you should be making now, so that when you do make your transition, you will say, it’s my time, and I shall go peacefully. Danny G. 

Today’s Ultimate Enlightenment

Within your evolution and the evolution of humanity lies truths and misconceptions. You decide what are truths and what are misconceptions. You are the leader of your mind and behavior. Don’t allow others to tell you this is the one and only path. Don’t allow yesterday to be your complete truth of today, since that defies growth and evolution. We are constantly evolving, and saying yesterday is the ultimate path is denying todays ultimate enlightenment. Danny G. 

Waiting to Conspire on Your Behalf

Never think that the divine is outside of you. Remember your origin, the laws that govern humanity, and that faith and love conquers all. The infinite intelligence dwells inside you, waiting to conspire on your behalf for the expansion of all that is. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Challenge yourself, but don’t overwhelm yourself. A continuous motion forward is all you need. Those subtle action steps along with an interconnected humanity is enough for global change. Danny G. 

All Uniting

Humanity needs balance and contrast. It needs creativity and wisdom. It needs your contributions, your purpose and calling. When we all unite to share our unique and authentic selves, we create a greater world and a greater humanity. Danny G. 

A Beacon For the Masses

The universe was created for you and humanity. It was created for us to seek our individual mission and collective mission. The mission should be joy, passion and our contributions to the world. By sharing our unique and authentic purpose and abilities, we become a beacon for the masses. Danny G. 

Interconnected Spirit

The word God can have many misconceptions. You can see him as an outside force deciding everything for humanity. You can see him as a vengeful and jealous God, or a judging source. Or you can see him as an extension of you helping you choose the right path, and an interconnected spirit that transcends the universe. Danny G. 

Our Destiny is Bound to Be (Poem)

There is light in the world, 

Illuminating the beauty of this space.


Darkness is nearby in tunnels and riots

Trying to control and dominate.

We strive for a peaceful humanity,

Yearn for a new world, 

Where peace and harmony prevail.


There are noble forces at work,

Trying to rescue

And provide support for the poor.

While there are dark forces trying to persuade,

With war, violence, threats and control.

One can pursue darkness for a while, 

But light will always shine again and again.

For one is operating under his own power,

And the others are seeking God and love.

That’s how we know our destiny,

Darkness will never overtake us, 

Our victory is bound to be.

Danny G. 

The Algorithm Of Life

You only have so much energy for the day. You can focus on faith or lack. Either choice has benefits or consequences. Use your energy in a productive way, to grow, to refocus and to become the best version of you. Everyone is in the process of creation and discovery. Use the algorithm of life for your greatest good, and the greatest good of humanity. Danny G.  

Bound to Triumph

Never cease to learn or remember who you truly are, and the laws that govern humanity. Remember your uniqueness and authenticity. Remember your potential and power within. Remember your origin, that you’re a victor bound to triumph. Danny G.