Persistence and Faith

All progress must come from a recognition of our weaknesses and flaws, and a determination to grow. It’s accepting we’re imperfect beings who will fall from time to time, and it’s accepting life’s not perfect, as we’ll always need to strive for greater. But with persistence, faith, and taking action to our dream, the victory is inevitable if we simply don’t give in. Danny G.

A Victor and Overcomer

Don’t forget you’re a human being with imperfections on the verge of change. You’re a work in progress, on a spiritual evolution with weaknesses and strengths. Though you may fail from time to time, and you may forget from time to time, always remember your origin, that you’re a victor and overcomer, and you have been since birth. Danny G.

A Reminder

I do not teach because I am perfect, nor do I teach because I live my teachings every moment of every day. I teach to make a difference in my own life and others, and I teach because I need to be reminded of these universal truths for my own well being. Danny G.

Only Meant For A Season

Don’t wait a lifetime for something that was only meant for a season. Sometimes we wait for that perfect moment where everything falls into place, or we get a sign to move forward at once. That moment may never come because we live in an imperfect world, with imperfect people and we’re always creating ourselves anew everyday. Danny G.