Let Peace Lead the Way

You can let peace be your umpire, or you can allow fear to lead the way. Whatever motivation you choose, you cannot have both. When you allow your intentions to be of love and peace, your inner self shines through the infinite and limitless being you are. Danny G.

The Limitless Source

Every invention came first from an idea. Every breakthrough came first from persistence and faith. Every recovery came first from a belief that it can be done. Therefore, know your power and part in creation. Know the limitless source you serve, and the infinity of the universe, and that nothing is impossible with the great I AM! Danny G. 

Your Power and Untapped Potential

Release all pessimism, fears, and bitterness, and allow God to unfold what he has in store. He has unlimited favor and abundance waiting for you to claim yours. If you simply just be and allow his spirit to lead, you’ll be astounded by your power and untapped potential within. Danny G.

Infinite and Limitless

Feeling weak or inferior is your inability to see yourself through God’s loving eyes. For if you knew the God and Goddess that you are, you would never feel weak. You would know the very power that created the universe dwells inside you at all times. This same power would never abandon you, as it dwells inside you infinitely and his powers are limitless and effortless, for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.

A Product of Your Creation

The list of opposites is infinite, as you can either impart peace or chaos, faith or fear, joy or sorrow, love or anger. What do you wish to impart for yourself and others? You are a product of your creation, the good, the bad, the everything of you, and the whole of who you are. Nobody is going to get it perfect, without weaknesses or trials, but the hope is that you project more lightness than darkness, and become the essence of who you are. Danny G.

Becoming One With the Divine

You come from the divine, a source of love and joy. You come from an infinite energy that creates beings and worlds. When you’re in alignment, this energy flows. And you and the divine become one, the essential calling of your soul. Danny G.

Subject to Change

The right choice is the choice that resonates with you this very moment. The right choice is the choice that you feel peace about this very moment. The right choice is subject to change, as you are an infinite being always seeking growth and expansion. Danny G.

Breathtaking to Say the Least

When we realize the universe is for us, and it’s orchestrated in our favor, we know in the depth of our being, nothing is too good to be true. We know we can conquer anything, and we know God is infinite and limitless, breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.

Intuition and the Divine

Is there merely one right thought, or are there simply better thoughts? Is there merely one right choice, or are there simply better choices? From this present moment, there is a myriad of choices, from a world of limitless or limited outcomes. Choose the thought, or action that feels best now, and that brings you outstanding peace. Then the divine will intervene, and carve a path for you, that seemed insurmountable from the start. As you seek your intuition, and as you seek loving source, know you always have intuition and wisdom, to ultimately choose best. Danny G.

The Saying All Things Are Possible

We’ve heard the saying “all things are possible.” It’s been repeated over and over again through scriptures, and by all the masters that ever walked on this planet. If there’s a will there’s a way is another saying that has essentially the same meaning. Do we truly believe this statement that all things are possible? If we truly believed this statement, what would happen if we got sick or we faced a challenge that we felt was beyond our control? Would we say game is over and I don’t think I’ll ever get through this?

What happens when we face a diagnosis or challenge and say, “it’s impossible and I don’t think I’ll ever get through this?” We don’t take appropriate action to be well and succeed, and to start planning ahead in our future. We start expecting the worse, and even if we have all the resources we’ll ever need, we don’t believe we do, therefore, we can’t receive.

When we start preparing in our mind, we also prepare our reality, so make sure you prepare for success and wellness, which will attract everything you need for your journey to well-being.

What happens when we don’t contemplate this saying and we don’t believe it? When we face an adversity that seems beyond the scope of our understanding, we feel inferior, and the adversity hits us like a ton of bricks.

We feel overwhelmed and we don’t know how to handle it, and then out of vulnerability, we allow others to convince us that we’re incapable and that it’s impossible.

Essentially we create our own story, and the pen is in our hand. We should consider the statement that’s been repeated over and over again by the world’s greatest teachers. All things are possible, and this doesn’t exclude anything.

If the so-called masters of this planet all have one common modality, it’s to believe in the impossible, and if they all declare one saying, there must be truth in its validity. Whatever one person has accomplished, so can you as we are all made up of the same energy that creates worlds.

When we spend time reflecting on this statement, “all things are possible,” we begin to focus on the solution and all the possibilities that seemed impossible, when we were focused on the problem.

When we face challenges that feel overwhelming and impossible, such as health, career, or relationship challenges, we have a new awareness and belief that we planted in our mind that says, “all things are possible.” This new awareness allows us to stretch our disbelief into believing I can.

Contemplating this statement and believing in its viability by repeating it over and over again, is the only means to fully understand and believe its meaning. Then when we face a challenge that seems insurmountable, we will remember the saying that seemed so illogical at first, however, now when we speak it, we believe it.

What some people consider is impossible, we believe we can do it, because if God said it’s possible, then we don’t need approval from others to say I CAN!