Genius lies within. We must learn to cultivate it, and actualize it. We embrace the genius within us by knowing there’s an infinite intelligence within us all. We must seek inward for its answers and solutions. This source inside us holds our greatest power and potential. Declare the answer and solution is within you, waiting for you to claim it now. Danny G.
Take the First Step
Take the first step, and the rest will unfold in its ideal timing. The incompletion keeps you seeking, and striving for greater. Seek the infinite intelligence, the limitless source and he will intervene as you declare it so. Danny G.
Don’t Doubt the Infinite
If you have a desire, it’s your indication you have the means to manifest it. Don’t doubt the infinite and limitless source. The ultimate question should be, are you on board? Do you believe it’s too good to be true, or can you embrace it now? Danny G.
Faith in the Infinite Intelligence
When adversity strikes hard in your life, and you have no faith, what will you rely on? If you don’t depend on your spiritual evolution, you’re relying on the faith of others. Often times, it fails. True healing and breakthrough comes from within. When you’re relying on a system, you’re casting your faith on happenstance. Cast your faith in you, on the divine and infinite intelligence you are, and the answer and solution will manifest and thrive. Danny G.
A Unity Within You
Do you see the sunrise that rises every day, the sunset and moon that lightens the world in the middle of a dark cold night? Do you see the tree that started as a seed, and is now a mighty oak tree? Do you see the ocean tide that rises and settles into a peaceful stream. Now ask yourself, do you believe in God? The answer lies in the infinite energy that perpetuates this cycle, and creates it for you, for humanity, a unity within you that recreates the world anew. Danny G.
The Source We Serve
Focus on the fact that there is a divine surplus in everything we do. The divine is not about just getting your needs supplied or barely getting by. It’s about embracing everything we are and everything we have through this infinite and limitless source we serve. Danny G.
Growth is Inevitable
In your search of truth and knowledge, there will be setbacks, delays and detours. Don’t let them steer you astray. Experience and exploration are the greatest teachers when combined with wisdom. In your search, seek inward for the ultimate wisdom and the infinite intelligence. From this space, growth is inevitable. Danny G.
The Power Within You
Embrace the power inside your mind and soul, which is the infinite intelligence and ultimate source. When you allow this intelligence to guide you, protect you and cause you to thrive, you embrace the God or Goddess within you. With this power, you can move mountains before you. Danny G.
Replace the Limitations
While staring only at the limitations, you cannot see the solution or manifestation. Replace the limitations with the divine’s unwavering faith that can move mountains. Replace it knowing the infinite intelligence is in you, with you and guiding you to triumph. Danny G.
Inspire Yourself
When adversity strikes, inspire yourself to break through. Be your own source of motivation and strength. From within lies your infinite intelligence and limitless power. Get to the root cause, and embrace your potential to overcome and thrive. Danny G.