You don’t always need someone to give you directions. You have inner guidance and wisdom within you. Seeking everyone but yourself is a lack of confidence and faith. Instead of doing the work and seeking inward, you seek outside yourself. You are powerful. You are unique. You are wise beyond your years. Seek advice and mentors, but allow yourself to be the judge, for no one knows you better than you. Danny G.
Your Masterpiece
Responding with faith is recognizing your power, self control and inner guidance. It’s recognizing the power of your thoughts, words and actions while realizing your creativity in the process. It’s knowing your journey is your deliberate creation, your intention and masterpiece. Danny G.
Our Greatest Guidance
Let your passion and enthusiasm guide you through your journey to your destination. Your passion comes from the inner you. Your enthusiasm inspires you to action. Follow your passion and allow the inspiration to lead you and guide you. Danny G.
Be Guided
Sometimes setbacks and failures come in disguise. They appear as if things are tumbling down when really things are falling into place. Look beyond, and everything you need will be provided to you for you to overcome. Be guided by your inner self and allow wisdom to flow through. Danny G.
Ultimate Guidance
In the middle of a long dreary night, the moon illuminates our path, and when the sunrise lights up, it serves as guidance to our destination. Just as the moon and the sun guides us, so does enlightenment and inspiration lead us to conquer and thrive. Danny G.
The Glimmer Of Light
Through the night, the valley and your shadow is the greatest time to overcome your fear and doubt. Life gave you an opportunity to soar above the challenge. If you only stare at the darkness, the darkness will overtake you. If you stare at the glimmer of light, soon enough that trail will leave you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Your Created Mission
You’re the author of your story. Source is always guiding you on the ideal pathway for your life. It always has your best interest at heart. The pen is in your hands to be the artist you always were and always will be. Danny G.
Let Peace Dominate
You can be motivated by fear, or you can be motivated by peace. Fear grapples you to the ground leaving you exhausted and frail. Peace guides you and teaches you. Fear whispers lies in your ears, while peace whispers everything will be ok. Fear can dominate or peace can dominate. When you embrace peace, you embrace faith, wisdom and persistence. Danny G.
Always Guiding
No matter what chaos or havoc comes into your life, declare I stand for God. Whether you’re confused, afraid or lost, declare I stand for God. For God always has your best interest at heart, and he is always guiding you and leading you on the best pathway for your life. Danny G.
The Compass
You have a compass within you at all times. You can choose to listen to it or ignore it. You listen to it by choosing faith over fear. You listen to it by choosing compassion over bitterness. And you listen to it by being persistent and steadfast. The voice is always within you waiting for you to step aboard. Danny G.