Motivation With Compassion

Are you motivated by love and compassion, or are you motivated by fear and anger? When you’re motivated by fear and anger, you’re of no value to yourself or others. Be motivated by love and compassion, and allow God to lead the path. It won’t fail, and you’ll see the world through different colored lenses. Danny G. 

Acting Productively

The more you bury your emotions and allow them to linger, those feelings become you. The more you act on these emotions productively, you alter the course in your favor. If you can continually guide your emotions to more loving faithful thoughts, the greater the benefit you’ll feel in your life and future. Therefore, think loving faithful thoughts, and they will become the essence of who you truly are. Danny G. 

Honoring Your Feelings

Honor your feelings, don’t condemn them, for they are there for your spiritual journey in this physical plane. They’re there to guide you, to teach you and to be exactly what they are meant to be, a communication from the divine. When you remember this, you won’t dislike your feelings whatever they may be. You’ll use them for your personal growth, transformation and the expansion of humanity. Danny G.  

So It Shall Be

The infinite intelligence requires your optimism and faith. It requires your belief that God is always guiding you to your ultimate best and happiness. Affirm God is guiding you to your dreams and the divine’s will for your life. And declare, so it shall be. Danny G.  

Reignite A Fire

God communicates with us in endless ways. Through the song you listen to about love, through the rainbow you see awaiting for a sign, through the poetry you read that resonates with your soul, through the film you see that changes your perspective, and through your loved ones for their loyalty, support and compassion. God speaks through his subtle voice and at times we disregard, not knowing it comes from him. We only have to remember, then the song will play again, and reignite a fire in the depth of our soul. Danny G. 

Listen to Your Guidance Within

Assess your values and see if they are aligned with your higher self. Your higher self doesn’t seek merely outside itself for its answers and solutions. Your higher self doesn’t seek merely outside itself for greater knowledge and wisdom. Your higher self knows its values and it knows how to live them. Don’t allow others’ misconceptions and preconceptions to steer you off course. Listen to your inner guidance and what you came forth to be. Danny G. 

In Sync With the Universe

When you practice the laws that govern the universe, you live as the true masters. You’re in sync with the divine, and you know you’re in control of your thoughts and emotions. You know your thoughts and emotions create your life story. They don’t control you, as you’re completely aware of your power and guidance as you steer the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

One With the Divine

Life is not a school of right or wrong. Life doesn’t sentence or judge when you don’t condemn yourself. There are wise choices, and there are poor choices. Both have benefits and consequences, but God will love you the same which ever path you choose. You are one with the divine, and he will always guide you, and reconcile you to greater truths and success. Danny G.   

Mastery Over Emotion

You are the master of your inner dialogue and inner guidance. Don’t fall prey to pessimism, bitterness and fears. Refocus your inner dialogue into self empowerment and faith. Listen to your guidance within and you’ll discover all your answers, and solutions. Dreams are inevitable through faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

When in battle, never go alone with merely your human self, go forward with God knowing he will guide you, protect you, and cause you to triumph. Danny G.