Safe Haven

The divine will keep you safe as you tread mountains and dark valleys. Trust in his power, in his guiding light to lead you to a safe haven. Don’t doubt his power when fear comes knocking at your door. Have faith that he will cause you to overcome and triumph. Danny G. 

The Language of the Soul

Emotions are the language of the soul. Whatever you feel deeply within the core of your being is God’s calling for your life. It’s the mission you set forth to be. It’s the purpose you give yourself in this physical plane. Don’t wander in the desert forever without that guiding light shining the way. Don’t walk somebody else’s path. You are unique, authentic and you set the stage for its arrival. Danny G. 

Optimal Success

When you think of God, make sure your thoughts emanate who he truly is, not misconceptions that are fabricated by men. It’s easy to let the thoughts of the world convince us otherwise, and allow others’ preconceptions to take root. Be the leader, choose your life path, and let God be who he truly is, a loving father who always has your best interest at heart, and who is always guiding you to your optimal success and victory. Danny G. 

Why Doubt His Power

The activity of worrying zaps your strength and vitality. It freezes you in your tracks and immobilizes you. Seek faith and courage. Faith says I can conquer anything, and everything is possible. Courage says the divine is with me, guiding me, protecting me, and conspiring on my behalf, so why doubt his power? Danny G. 

The Shield

I create my own shield by having unwavering faith, and courage. I create my own shield by not doubting or giving in to fear. I create my own shield by knowing the source within me, is always guiding me, protecting me, and conspiring on my behalf. Danny G. 

Taking the Steps

Action steps are required for your spiritual evolution and journey. Assess your thoughts and see if they are in alignment with the divine, or if it’s from your own misconceptions. Don’t keep on procrastinating, do what you must to stay in balance, then move forward knowing the infinite intelligence is always within you, guiding you, protecting you, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G. 

Simply Listen

Everything in the universe has a purpose if you simply listen. Listen to your inner voice and cut out all distractions from external sources. The divine dwells inside you at all times, so don’t be afraid, call to him in your darkest hours, and he will intervene and cause you to overcome. Danny G.

Alignment With the Divine

Action steps are required for your spiritual evolution and journey. Assess your thoughts and see if they are in alignment with the divine, or if it’s from your own misconceptions. Don’t keep on procrastinating, do what you must to stay in balance, then move forward knowing the infinite intelligence is always within you, guiding you, protecting you, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G. 

Let Love Lead the Way

Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at times. It’s our reaction to anger that defines who we are and the unfolding of our lives. Anger also affects all the lives we touch, so let’s not act on revenge, bitterness or pessimism, since those emotions all cause separation. Separation is not an act of God. Love creates union and a peaceful world. Love casts all fear. Let love lead the way, and let God be the loving source he always was and always will be. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Unwavering and sturdy on his feet, fully aware source is within him, guiding him, and leading him to a harvest where he will bloom like a mighty oak tree. Danny G.