Make peace with stress. Don’t fear it, don’t dread it and don’t perpetuate it. Fighting stress causes more stress. Resisting stress causes more stress. Accept it, and move beyond it. Not resisting it doesn’t mean you allow more of it in. It means you don’t aggravate it, and allow it to become greater than it is. Danny G.
At Peace And At Ease
Before jumping into action, ask yourself, will this benefit me and others around me? Ask yourself if this action is inspired by your higher self. Too many times we act without contemplation and we end up living a lie. Seek first alignment with your source, then the action step will feel at peace and at ease. Danny G.
Inner Peace Despite It All
Obsessing only creates more obsessing. Resistance creates more resistance. Fighting against your adversities only aggravates you. Learn to be at peace despite the imperfections of life. Learn to be led by your higher self. When you do, aggravation turns into inner peace and the solution manifests. Danny G.
Anxiety Into Inner Peace
Anxiety persists until you stop feeding the emotions. You feed the emotions by speaking words that amplify the anxiety. You feed it by allowing your actions and behavior to follow the anxiety. What is the opposite of anxiety? Peace, stillness and tranquility. We achieve this state by relaxation and reflection. We achieve it through faith and knowing that everything works together for good. Know everything is in order, there’s an ideal timing for everything, and all is well. That’s what turns anxiety into inner peace and well being. Danny G.
Your Power and Control
When you practice stillness, tranquility and inner peace, outside disturbance cannot change you into someone you’re not. It cannot keep you down, for you know how to return to that space of stillness, tranquility and inner peace. You know it’s always within your reach, and it’s always within your power and control. Danny G.
Your Higher Self and Soul
Messages come in all different forms and types. They come from contrast, environments and upbringings. Find the ones that resonate with your higher self and soul. Find the ones that bring you inner peace and happiness. This is the way to find your inner self, personal growth and transformation. Danny G.
Your Greatest Asset
God yearns for your inner peace and happiness. From this space of peace and happiness, you’re more receptive to the signs from your source. You’re in a better place to reach out a helping hand and change the world for the divine, you and your loved ones. Danny G.
Your Dominant Vibration
Letting go, forgiving, releasing negative attachments can be tremendously difficult, however, the benefits are well worth it. Holding onto attachments can be described as carrying a burden on your shoulders. The more you release, the more the burden dissipates. Sometimes, the thought is still there, however, inner peace is your dominant vibration. Danny G.
Have Faith in the Process
Do not look at the seed you planted and anticipate growth right away. Have faith in the process. Have inner peace despite not yet having arrived. Have unwavering faith it will grow into a mighty oak tree in its ideal timing. Danny G.
True Happiness and Inner Peace
Don’t get attached to what’s outside of you. For the exterior world has ups and downs, and pros and cons. If we attach to them, they control us and our emotions. We let the exterior world define us and mislead us. When we seek inward first, the ups and downs don’t decide for us. We choose to seek within where true happiness and inner peace abounds. Danny G.