Inner Peace Nevertheless

Having inner peace means accepting the universe as it is despite life’s imperfections and chaos. It’s moving past the adversities and disorder while knowing you’re a deliberate creator of your own life including all those lives you touch. Danny G. 

Enjoying the Journey

Don’t be so destination oriented that you forget to enjoy the journey. The journey is the reason for being, and there will always be something else on the horizon waiting for you to claim it yours. Embrace happiness, inner peace and freedom to experience, explore and create deliberately. Danny G. 

Changing Your World

Happiness and inner peace is not about denying your adversities. It’s learning to acclimatize to your challenges while knowing mindset is key to inner joy and abundance. If you allow it, your adversities can keep you stuck in a rut always seeking to change the events and circumstances. Seek first to change your mindset, and everything else follows. Your only control and power is your mindset and emotions. Change that and you’ll change your world. Danny G. 

Seeking Growth

Do not seek to be right or wrong. Seek peace, wisdom and unity. When you live from this space, you’re in alignment with the divinity that you are. You’re in alignment with the spirit that transcends the universe. You realize that right and wrong keeps on changing and evolving, and so do you on your quest and spiritual journey. Danny G.

Embrace Your Power

The permission to be well is within you. The permission to be happy and at peace is within you. The permission to be successful is within you. No external source is creating lack other than your misconceptions. Embrace the powerful being you are and claim it yours. Danny G. 

The Nature Of Compassion

The nature of compassion is to be of service. Compassion is inspired action to give what you have. It’s inner satisfaction for a kind gesture or deed. It’s the divinity you are in motion with a mission in mind to spread love to the world. Danny G. 

A Mind At Ease

Be kind with yourself. Everyone falls from time to time, and everyone has setbacks from time to time. Compassion heals all wounds. Be grateful for your progress, and know a mind at ease can be at peace despite the chaos. Danny G. 

Choosing Inner Peace

Fear may always be. It may present itself at times unexpectedly. The goal shouldn’t be always to get rid of fear. It should be choosing courage over fear. It’s choosing clarity over fear. And it’s choosing peace over the misconceptions of fear. Danny G. 

You Know the Path

Accepting your current reality is the first step to inner peace and freedom. Accepting your reality doesn’t mean things will remain permanent. It means you’re no longer fighting the journey. You’re in a space of stillness despite the storm and mountain top. You know the path to self awareness and transformation. Danny G.