Success is happiness. Success is inner peace. Success is faith. When you live by these truths, success is inevitable, and you know that seeking inward is your true calling, purpose and destiny. Danny G.
The Divinity You Are
Don’t seek mediocrity, seek to be the grandest version of you, and the rest will follow. Wisdom comes from seeking inward and achieving inner peace despite the trials and opposition steering your way. Never taking risks will only keep you in mediocrity and complacency. You can replay the same scenarios over and over again, or you can trust the universe is guiding you and conspiring on your behalf. Focus on strength, persistence, faith and taking action in face of adversity. Recognize the deliberate creator you are, and that you’re destined to be. Danny G.
Be Still and Listen
Wisdom stems from stillness, tranquility and peace. When we seek inward, we find that source of stillness and peace where wisdom lies. We can always find this peace and wisdom despite the chaos or havoc around us. The noise doesn’t have to weigh us down, as we can always be still and listen within. Danny G.
Free Will or Destiny
Is it free will or destiny that shapes what lies before us? We choose and enact our destiny by our choices, wisdom and faith. Destiny doesn’t grapple with our free will or inner peace, it calls us through the every day choices we make along our physical trail. The more we become aligned with the divine, the greater the destiny and life that lies before us. Danny G.
Within Your Reach
Speak your affirmations in the present as though they’re manifesting now. You have the right to happiness, success and inner peace. As the God or Goddess you are, these emotions and manifestations are within your reach at all times. Allow them to come to fruition in the present now. Danny G.
The Space Of Inner Peace
Persistence, wisdom and faith does not fail. If you continue to seek inward, and choose wisely in your thoughts, words and actions, inevitably you’ll arrive at your destination. You cannot get the opposite of what you’re projecting, so be still, and find that space of inner peace where all is well, and everything is working together for your highest good. Danny G.
Your Only Role
Allow your soul to speak to you, to provide you with wisdom, love and inner peace. Don’t contradict it with your ego, that listens merely to your infirmities and lack. Become adept to listening to your soul and acting on it. Your soul is always speaking to you, your only role is listening, declaring it, and taking action steps to your dream. Danny G.
Practice Mindfulness
The chaos around you doesn’t have to impact you, or confuse you. When your mind is at peace regardless of the havoc or the dismay, you mastered the mind. Practice mindfulness in the midst of confusion and frustration. Don’t allow the adversity to overtake you, practice stillness and tranquility, and let your inner world shine through the dark valleys and stormy night. Danny G.
The Blessings Of Aging
Not accepting aging is not accepting the inevitable perpetuation of life. Life has many seasons, and every season has a purpose within, if you simply listen. Aging is inevitable but declining is optional. The best means of accepting aging is embracing the wisdom, peace of mind, and prosperity that comes with age. Danny G.
Reaction Defines Everything
Having inner peace should be the primary focus, for when we are at peace, it emanates everywhere we go. Our peace is contagious to all the lives we touch, and this contributes to world peace. Being at peace no matter what the circumstances are, is true mastery, for it’s our reaction that defines everything including the life that unfolds. Reactions can either pull us into a pit so deep we cannot find a means to get out, or it can catapult us to our divine destiny, and breakthrough. Danny G.