Gratification and Solace

Look not at my words, for words are the most dense means of communication. Words hold contradictions, misinterpretations, and mistranslations, if you look merely at the words. Listen to the meaning of the words, and you will find the gratification and solace you’ve been yearning for. Danny G.

Your Soul Speaking to You

Don’t overcomplicate life with should have’s, as if there’s only one winding road. If something feels good to you and you have peace about it, even if it defies logic, move forward. If you feel peace about it, it’s your soul speaking to you, saying take the first step. Don’t deny that feeling of joy and peace for someone else’s misalignment. Nobody knows you better than you, and only you can direct the ultimate unfolding of your life story. Danny G.

The Dove

Be the dove, who advocates peace despite the treachery and chaos of today. The dove doesn’t seek revenge, for he knows everyone faces their own karma of treachery and cruelty. He knows he is in the creator’s hands, and he knows he is in good standing. He knows the creator will move mountains on his behalf, and he knows the creator will protect him as he becomes the dove he was created to be. Danny G.

Engraved in the Soul

It’s God’s desire for you to have inner peace that surpasses all understanding. When you’re at peace, you’re happy, healthy and truly fulfilled. When you’re at peace, you know the universe is as it should be, and orchestrated in your divine favor. You know there’s a sequence for everything, and a timing for everything. You know seasons come and go, and obstacles enter without a warning in sight, but your peace remains, as you steadily engrave it in your soul. Danny G.

Alignment is Key

Don’t seek outside yourself for happiness and peace of mind, since you have no control over the exterior. You only have control over your own alignment, and when you’re in alignment, happiness and inner peace is inevitable if you simply let it be. Danny G.

At Peace In The Moment

We live in a fantasy world only wanting the next breakthrough, now or never or we’ll be forever disappointed. We seek the next fad, only to get disappointed when we realize our soul is not ready for it. If we can be at peace in the moment, exactly where we stand, we wouldn’t be restless and uneasy in our skin. We would know everything comes from within, and happiness, and gratitude is the fuel that brings about the outcome. If we can be at peace despite the boredom or chaos of today, we can be at peace indefinitely, no matter what the future brings. Danny G.

The Wrestler and Buddha

There’s a wrestler inside me constantly uneasy and restless like a strong current wanting to break through. There’s a Buddha inside me at peace, content and happy, constantly inhabiting in my mind and soul. The two constantly fight to break through with their schemes. Which one will win, the wrestler or the Buddha? Which ever one I feed. Danny G.

My paperback and ebook “23 Poetic Cues” is available for purchase at at this link:

Have a great day!

Intuition and the Divine

Is there merely one right thought, or are there simply better thoughts? Is there merely one right choice, or are there simply better choices? From this present moment, there is a myriad of choices, from a world of limitless or limited outcomes. Choose the thought, or action that feels best now, and that brings you outstanding peace. Then the divine will intervene, and carve a path for you, that seemed insurmountable from the start. As you seek your intuition, and as you seek loving source, know you always have intuition and wisdom, to ultimately choose best. Danny G.

Calling It Into Being

What shall I name you, pain, fear or dread? Or shall I name you joy, triumph and victory? The moment I name it, I bring the very essence of it to life. The moment I declare my victory, faith manifests and I thrive. Therefore, I choose joy, and a relentless faith, to bring about its essence and best outcome out of life. I know it’s the only means to victory, and I know it’s the path of least resistance, to freedom and outstanding peace. Danny G.

At Peace With Anything

I pause in my tracks, waiting for my destiny to unfold its path. I look within, declare my wants as though it’s my destiny. I remain still, while not allowing the storm to sweep me away. From within, I can just be and conquer mountains in front of me. From this space, I can just be, and be at peace with anything. Danny G.