If your intention is only to please others, you will be seeking all your life. There will be some for you and some against you. There’s nothing wrong with desiring respect and admiration. The problem begins when others’ opinions are more powerful than what you think about yourself. Don’t give them that power. When you go out into the world and express your creativity, know that not everyone will be for it. There may be a wall obstructing your path. Break it. There may be a detour or delay. Seek inner peace despite it. Make it your intention to seek your soul’s desires, not someone else’s motives that doesn’t define who you are. Be authentic, be unique, be the best version of you, and don’t allow someone else to change who you are. Danny G.
A Brilliant Mind
Often when you step outside the box, people are going to be against it. They’re not going to understand. They’ll try to keep you in the safety zone out of insecurity. They may even laugh at you. Just remember that with a brilliant mind comes a different level thinking. Don’t allow their words to become your reality. Listen within, be authentic, be unique, and you won’t be bound by mediocrity, but by a new philosophy which will inevitably lead to your success. Danny G.
I Can Choose
If you need an enemy to motivate you, then you are motivated by fear. If you need a book to rule over you, then you are motivated by insecurities. If you need to be told, this is the one and only path, then you are motivated by inferiority. Faith and wisdom says I’m in control, and I have the power within me. I can choose what resonates with me, and what are misconceptions created by men. Danny G.
The Mindset Of I CAN
You can play it in the safety zone, or you can fully embrace your power and potential within. You can barely get by, or you can acknowledge your freedom and abundance. You can merely get your needs supplied, or you can receive much greater. It all starts in the mindset, and the mindset begins with I can and I will. Danny G.
Mastering Your Reality
When you’re confident, worthy and full of faith, others only reinstate what you project. If you truly believed in yourself, others’ disbelief would not matter. If you are insecure, everything that people say or do reminds you of your insecurities. The secret to changing your outer world is to change your inner world. Have faith, know you are worthy and believe in the God or Goddess you are. When you master this, you master your reality. Danny G.
Indefinitely In Your Heart
Your insecurities mirror back your reality, which is why you find yourself yearning and yearning again and again. You want something authentic, and genuine, but you find yourself in relationships that remind you of everything you’re not. Love is an expression of who you are, so as long as you carry those insecurities, your relationships will remind you of them again. Be yourself, accept it, embrace it, and then true joy will find its way indefinitely in your heart. Danny G.
A Reflection of You
Love is recognizing that feeling, and not allowing others to convince you otherwise. Love is a reflection of you, and it’s the reason you came forth to be. When you realize this, you don’t allow your insecurities, or other opinions to override yours. You care enough about the feeling, that you let it be, while knowing it’s your sole purpose, and reason for being. Danny G.
The Only Obstruction
You know in the depth of your being, it’s your insecurities obstructing your path. You know in the depth of your being, it feels right beyond reason. You know in the depth of your being, it’s destined to be. The only curse stopping you is your fear, and you’re allowing it to win. Danny G.
A Masterpiece
Don’t allow your insecurities to drag you down or lower your expectations. Those deep insecurities you’ve been holding onto for years, are false preconceptions you created in your mind. You are a masterpiece, a one of a kind destined to leave a mark on this generation. Just accept you’re a work in progress, a unique soul, bound to know yourself and God more. Once you understand this, no longer will you fight, and you’ll just be, accept and step boldly towards your mission. Danny G.
Reflection of Your Inner Thoughts
Don’t seek outside yourself for validation, when you have everything you need from within. True love comes from loving oneself, and after that it becomes a reflection of your inner thoughts. Seeking outside oneself for validation can be described as reaffirming your insecurities. Seek first within, then the affirmation becomes a confirmation of your beliefs. Danny G.