I’ll Hope the Best

Even if it doesn’t work out, my intentions remain the same. Even if it doesn’t work out, my thoughts will never change. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll hope the best for you until my dying day. Danny G.

Happiness Lies Ahead

The moment you attempt your exit is the day where the pain will be a multitude greater. If you were supposed to die, it would have happened already, but you’re still here because you have experiences and most importantly happiness that lies ahead. Danny G.

Don’t Condemn It

Don’t condemn anything that produces healing for anything that heals is from the divine. God only wants health and happiness for his children, and anything that heals mentally, physically and spiritually comes from him. The scripture clearly states “He came that we may have life, joy abundance,” so anything that brings life, joy and abundance must come from God. Danny G.

Focus On The Mental Pattern

One of the biggest challenge to being an addict is looking for an escape to numb the pain. Instead of taking a medicine to heal, you revert to street drugs, which only perpetuates the problem or makes it worse. Your healing should come from within, not through a chemical. The drug only distracts you from your problem, and then you feel the need to continually distract yourself, and you never deal with the problem to begin with. Focus on the mental pattern that created this dependency, and distract yourself with an activity that will be beneficial for your overall well-being. Danny G.

Creation and Seasons (Poem)


They come and go.

Like a withering Hand,

And a beautiful pearl.

A beautiful day,

Along with the raging storm,

It always comes back,

To a beautiful day.

The storm rushes in,

With little no signals.

We hide in the safe harbour,

As fast as we can,

Where peace and safety,

Is in our reach.

It has always been,

We simply lost the key.

Others remain,

In the storm,

Uncovering the mysteries,

Deep within.

Some relinquish, some persevere,

In the world of no certainty,

Of reality and dream.

We chug along,

The unknown path,

Trying our best,

To not hold back.

Reality uncovering,

In every fashion,

Steering you, in every direction,

We think, is there an end,

So we create this reality,

Not knowingly and forget.

Are we just taught this way,

To accept reality,

Its only prophecy and world disarray.

So many choices,

Along the path,

So why not choose God,

And let him steer the raft.

We are ambassadors,

In this created reality,

We create it as we want,

And then let our mind conceive it,

As it leaps in.

Let’s create ourselves anew,

In this illusionary realm,

With a peaceful world, living our dream.





The Pioneer

There’s a pioneer for every mission anyone has ever embarked on. Every time we embark on new territory, and it’s unfamiliar grounds in which no one travelled, we’re setting an example. By taking action and succeeding on a task or challenge that seemed impossible at first for ourselves or humanity, people start to believe it’s possible. They have validation that the task or challenge is within their control and they have the power to overcome and achieve success.

Why is that? Because they saw it or heard it or read about it, and if one person did it, they believe their goal or dream is within their reach and achievable.

Our experience or breakthrough becomes a confirmation for others that what was once impossible, is now achievable. We lead and teach through the clarity of our example and through experience.

There had to be one person or a few who first healed from cancer to break our limited thinking and believe if one man did it, then we all can. When cancer was first discovered, how many people survived compared to how many are surviving today?

Cancer was almost a death sentence a few decades ago but today there are more and more cancer survivors. Before that one breakthrough, cancer was incurable and many people believed the disease to be impossible to recover. But one person fought long and hard for something he knew he had the potential to heal despite everyone telling him it was incurable, and he healed.

What would have happened if he would have listened to everyone who told him, cancer is incurable or the prognosis is not good? Would he have planned for his healing? Would he have kept on fighting and focusing on his healing? If he believed it was impossible, would he see a point in focusing on his recovery?

There had to be one person or a few who so wanted justice for everyone on this planet and who fought long and hard to provide equality for everyone, which started a shift that is still making a difference today.

Why was slavery abolished in many parts of the world? Why have we had the integration of visible minorities in many parts of the world? How are women’s rights today compared to the 19th century when women weren’t able to vote? How was sexual harassment against women in the workplace a few decades ago when there wasn’t any law against extortion?

These individuals had the compassion to change the injustice and they fought for equality and peace on the planet, which created a change that we’re still experiencing today. There had to be one person who stood up for what he believed and never backed down despite everyone being against him, but because of his determination and persistence, he prevailed.

Looking at the statistics or listening to the experts can be helpful and can be wise, but the wiser person says, I don’t need someone else to prove to me that this is attainable. I can set my own boundaries, and be the first person to change a so called impossible to I CAN!

All of us can be pioneers because we’re unique and we have our own skills and abilities, meaning there’s no exact replica of any individual on this planet. Don’t wait for confirmation and validation from others to do something someone was never able to do, whether it’s healing from a particular health challenge, or achieving a dream.

Value everyone that freely gives you advice, and receive it if the advice agrees with you, but be the pioneer who says, I’m going to succeed and I don’t need validation to say I CAN!

Just A Matter Of Time

When you say I can’t, it’s always inferiority because in almost every challenge in life someone has surprised us and achieved the impossible, and whatever man didn’t achieve yet, it’s just a matter of time before humanity perseveres and discovers yet another breakthrough!

Danny G.


Why seek perfection rather than the joy of the journey? Every journey has obstacles allowing us to discover our inner self and grow. There can be many different opinions of perfection concerning topics of spirituality and religion. For some people, perfection could mean staying strong and steadfast during times of adversity and making the right choices despite all odds. Perfection can mean being your best every day, or as the biblical saying, by being a child of God, you already are perfect.

Achieving perfection has become the primary aim for many people. Once they realize the task is impossible, they give up, and lose any hope of a compassionate God who loves them as they are and accepts their current state of being.

Many religious folks believe they need to achieve perfection for approval and favour. Others believe perfection is never achieved, and that they’re on a trial to prove their worthiness or righteousness. They have an image of God, outside of them, who’s standing beside them judging or punishing them for their behaviour. Is that a compassionate father? Saying God is an outside force is basically leaving all the power to him rather than leaving the power to us through God.

I believe actions have consequences and we are to be good citizens and do good unto others, but to believe that we’re not worthy because we haven’t achieved a state of perfection, would be denying God’s own creation. If you believe there is a God, then the saying is, he created you as you are for a reason. He knows every other mistake you will ever make until you leave this time space reality. What do you have control over, other than being who God created you to be?

What difference can you make if you’re resentful and angry at yourself for every poor choice you have made throughout this lifetime? Can a resentful angry person have any advice to give? If he does have advice, can he be a positive influence?

Aren’t you more influential when you know God loves you as you are because he created you as you are? Aren’t you more influential when you know the universe is conspiring on your behalf, regardless of where you currently stand? Wouldn’t you rather take advice from someone who’s still treading along the pathway of imperfection, completely aware of it, and who knows the universe is on his side despite his weaknesses?

A few words which sums up the life of today: “We’re not perfect, life and the world isn’t perfect.” So many people fight against this very simple notion that is our reality.

Is there an individual on this planet who is perfect, or has a perfect life, and has nothing to work at improving in his or her life? Everywhere we go on this planet, there is some type of conflict and it doesn’t matter how beautiful something seems to be, there is imperfection and contrast everywhere we go.

Can life be perfect and can everyone be the same? Even when we think we acquired perfection, we experience changes and we have something else to strive towards and new challenges to undertake. How thrilling is it to know everything, to have everything figured out and to have nothing to work at improving or moving towards in our lives?

If everyone was the same in the world and all nations were the same and there wasn’t any contrast, what would be your reference point? How do you define yourself? If you were standing in a state of completion and you were perfect, would you feel a yearning to experience and become more than who you are?

Where you currently stand is the platform where you decide what you want to include into your life and what you want to exclude out of your life, and without contrast or challenges, you wouldn’t have the platform to begin your journey.

Next time you’re frustrated at yourself, or next time you’re frustrated at life for its imperfections, just know this is your platform to create the change you want in your life and the world.

You are an extension of God, creating through God, through the unique soul that you are. Know that your power starts with your thoughts, your words, and your every deed to change your life and the world one step at a time.


Our True Identity

The body is only an exterior shell that holds the soul. The shell is irrelevant to who we truly are, as we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience occasionally.

Are we merely flesh and bone? If you say I am only this flesh and bone, then you say I am here merely because of evolution. What control do you have if you believe “only” in evolution? If you believe only in evolution you believe you’re here by coincidence.

If you get sick, you would have to rely solely on conventional medicine, which is effective for the majority, but how many times has conventional medicine been ineffective? Why cast your faith in humanity rather than God, the universe, and creator?

If God created everything including you, then he has the wherewithal to bring you back to wellness, and he has the solution and the wherewithal for anything you desire. When we remember our source and the universal laws that govern humanity, we have the insight we need to achieve what we want in life.

I believe conventional medicine is effective, however, I strongly believe doing the mental work along with the treatment, which ever treatment is best for you, is even more effective.

Doing the mental work is the only means that guarantees healing unlike putting all your faith in conventional medicine alone, and depending on a system to cure you. The system works for some people and doesn’t work for others but God, the one who created it all, has the answers to your healing and it starts with your thoughts and beliefs.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a solution for everything through simple reasoning and science?

What happens when we’re stuck in a pit so deep we can’t possibly think of a way out, and there is no logical means to get out? Then we say God, I’ve tried everything, nothing’s worked, please help me. Why wait until you’re in the pit? If you wait until you’re already in the pit, it’s much harder to get out, and not panic. But if you practice your faith and you focus on the divinity that created you and the source which lives inside you, the source who knows every possible means to get out, then you don’t panic and you’re not overwhelmed. You know you have the tools to get out.

If you start investing time in your relationship with you and God, two possible outcomes will occur-either you’ll prevent the trouble from occurring in the first place or you’ll know how to handle the adversity when it strikes you. Essentially, if you rely on your human capabilities, or science alone, you’re casting your faith in a system that’s incomplete and will always be incomplete without the source who created it all.

Furthermore, the other problem lies if you say your identity is from material possessions or status. If this is the case, what happens if you lose all your material belongings or status tomorrow? Would you break down, and say my life is over? Would you still break down if you had stable footing and you had your priorities in order, and you knew the source who created the universe can get you out of any hole? If you knew your identity and happiness wasn’t based on your job or wealth or status, and you lost everything tomorrow, would you still declare my life is over?

I believe as humans it’s normal to be upset when we lose something, the problem lies when we become dependent on things or physicality as our source of happiness.

Would a marriage fall apart if love was based on their true identity and not superficial reasons or intentions? How long can a marriage sustain if a marriage is based on superficial reasons or intentions? What happens when you get old and wrinkly, sick or poor? It may be worthwhile to evaluate if your intentions or reasons for marriage are still going to be there when you’re 60, or if circumstances change, and you’re sick and broke.

Focusing on our identity means focusing on where we came from and why we’re here, and on the source that gives us life. Our True Identity is the expansion of our inner self and the mission we choose for ourself to improve humanity and species and the preservation of our planet?

Seeking material wealth before the evolution of our soul is saying I’d rather be rich then be who I truly am. Seeking primarily outer beauty when choosing a mate is saying I’d rather have a pretty face to look at, and for others to see, then to have a meaningful relationship and be happy. Seeking primarily external appearances in oneself is saying I’d rather appear attractive on the outside then focus on the essence of who I am.

Jobs come and go, wealth comes and goes, looks fade away, bodies get older, but the one thing that remains and never fades away is the spirit that gives us life. What sustains us when we lose our job, wealth, or lover?

Don’t get over consumed with everything that’s subject to change. Focus on what truly matters, what brings joy and peace, because a title or riches or a pretty face will not bring you happiness but the soul will.