In the middle of a long dreary night, the moon illuminates our path, and when the sunrise lights up, it serves as guidance to our destination. Just as the moon and the sun guides us, so does enlightenment and inspiration lead us to conquer and thrive. Danny G.
Your Capabilities and Unique Abilities
The external may last a season, but your faith, wisdom and compassion lasts eternally. You may forget at times, or you you may get lost in the wilderness. Adversities may strike, or opposition may seem too great to conquer. Always remember as a reminder, you can always go back to your source. Your source remains inside your heart and soul where all answers and solutions are at your fingertips, capabilities and unique abilities. Danny G.
Your Success Is Bound To Be
Even though fear grapples you, and tries to shackle you to the ground, continue to gaze onward. Have faith, persist with peace and joy in your heart. Know your success is bound to be. Danny G.
The Glimmer Of Light
Through the night, the valley and your shadow is the greatest time to overcome your fear and doubt. Life gave you an opportunity to soar above the challenge. If you only stare at the darkness, the darkness will overtake you. If you stare at the glimmer of light, soon enough that trail will leave you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Turn Fear Into Faith
Your power for personal growth is always within you. When one challenge knocks you off your feet, allow it to make you stronger. When another challenge knocks you off your feet, allow it to make you wiser. And when another challenge knocks you off your feel, turn fear into faith. Danny G.
Your Created Mission
You’re the author of your story. Source is always guiding you on the ideal pathway for your life. It always has your best interest at heart. The pen is in your hands to be the artist you always were and always will be. Danny G.
Your Best Life
Don’t seek to merely survive, seek to thrive and be the grandest version of you. Do so with passion, compassion and a faith that cannot die. For out of the greatest emotions, lies the greatest art, and greatest life. Danny G.
You Define You
The world may try to paint a different picture of you or your future. Persuasion may grab a hold on you leaving you inactive and complacent. Don’t allow the exterior world to define you. You define you and what follows next. Danny G.
You Define Possibility
Impossibility is self created. What was impossible a century ago is possible today. We beat survival, and we beat the odds on so many levels. You define what is possible. You define your limitations, and the power of faith. Be the deliberate creator you are, and create your own reality. Danny G.
With Unwavering Faith
When we look at our current reality, and we don’t see any improvements, it’s easy to become bitter. Our yearning at times leads to feelings of unworthiness. Self awareness is knowing a desire is birthed by the God or Goddess within you. Move forward, act on it, and know with unwavering faith, it’s already yours. Danny G.