Think Greater

Think greater than your adversity. Be bigger than the problem. See the challenge as under your feet. That is the definition of faith. Stretch your faith a little more each time you face your challenge. If you keep on stretching, you won’t waver and doubt, and you’re well on your way to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

The Ultimate Source

Wisdom requires exploration to discover. You can allow the experience to turn you pessimistic or bitter, or you can allow it to inspire and enlighten you. You can allow exploration to turn you astray, or you can allow it to guide your journey. Experience and exploration can either destroy you, or it can cause you to triumph. The answer lies in your reaction, and seeking inward for the ultimate source. Danny G. 

The Significance Of Faith

Without faith you’re merely evolution. To achieve great things, you must have faith in yourself and your inner self. Within your inner self lies inspiration, motivation and wisdom. Create from a broader perspective, from your unique and authentic perspective. By changing your life, you also change every life you touch. Danny G. 

The Reality You Create

You create your own despair by believing you cannot get out. You allowed pessimism to become you by believing it’s simply reality. Just like you can create pessimism and bitterness, you can also create  optimism and compassion. Switch from the negative voice in your head to believing all things are possible, and anything is within your reach. Danny G. 

The Power Of Gratitude

What happens when you’re grateful and appreciative? You forget about what is troubling you and you live in the moment. The only thing stopping you from living in the moment is you are too focused on your challenges. Focus inward, then the challenge loses its power over you, until eventually you stumble upon it and it vanishes. Danny G. 

The Opposite Of Fear

Why is fear the opposite of everything we are? Because God is a source of peace, joy, faith, while fear creates anxiety, doubt and pessimism. When we remember that we all originate from the spirit that transcends the universe, we know our power and control and fear cannot exist. Danny G. 

Miracles and Action Steps

Miracles often take action steps. It takes faith, perseverance and wisdom. It takes determination to not give in. Enough faith in the right direction, enough action steps to your dream, and miracles become your own creation, and not by chance. Leaps of faith are difficult, but when you need that leap of faith, seek your higher self, have unwavering faith, persist and claim it yours, until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

The Miracle Creators

We are the creators of our miracles through the divine. It’s not merely an outside force creating the miracles for us. It’s the power of our mind, body and spirit to create miracles. We create miracles through faith, wisdom and persistence. Enough positive energy projected into a desire, the desire manifests. This power is always within our control, and it remains inward where source, the ultimate intelligence remains at our finger tips. Danny G. 

The Mansion Of Life

Don’t wander forever in one room complacent and stagnant. Step out into the unknown. There isn’t just one perception or one avenue to pursue. There are many avenues waiting for you to step onboard. Step onboard knowing God is carving the path before you. Danny G.  

The Journey to Our Destination

At times, we become too performance driven. We’re always chasing the next goal or dream. Dreams are essential, but when we never stop to to embrace the present moment, we miss out on the journey to our destination. Danny G.