Often it’s when you release resistance, and you stop fighting the process, that you receive your breakthrough. By not forcing it into being, you open the door for greater to occur. You’ll move with ease and peace in your heart, knowing your name was carved out from the start. Danny G.
From the Inside Out
Release the anger and frustration for your current situation. Anger and frustration will only perpetuate it and aggravate it. See what the situation is telling you. Quiet your mind, and ask what do I need to learn from these current events and circumstances? How can I grow and not remain stagnant and complacent? That is the start of a success story from the inside out. Danny G.
From I Can’t to Faith
Whenever you say “I can’t” to your desires, you lose motivation. You replace faith with disempowering thoughts and feelings. Your words “I can’t” creates feelings of lack and powerlessness. When you replace “I can’t” with faith, you activate the possibilities and genius within you. You replace “I can’t” with motivation and empowering thoughts. With this shift, you allow your desires to come to fruition. Danny G.
Focus on the Intention
Repeat the question, how can I? Whenever in doubt or uncertainty, repeat how can I? By focusing on this intention and making it your motive, you shift from thinking about the problem to focusing on the solution. You can be solution oriented or problem oriented. The choice is up you. Danny G.
Focus on the Comeback
You can allow setbacks to turn you bitter and pessimistic, or you can allow setbacks to overcome and thrive. Everyone can make a comeback and prosper, as it’s all in the mindset. Just don’t get so caught in the setback that you forget about your strength and potential within. Focus on your comeback, not the setback. Danny G.
Everyone’s A Teacher
Everyone on this planet teaches one way or another. By being you, people are processing your words and behavior. My question is, how do you want to portray yourself, and what do you wish to teach to the world? Danny G.
Conquered the Adversity
At times adversity will tell you to return to previous behavior and outcome. Everything can tell you it’s impossible and beyond your reach. Just as the masters conquered the storm and spoke to it in faith, so can you speak to your adversity, understand and overcome it. Danny G.
A little Push Forward
When the challenge becomes too difficult to bear, we push away, because we fear the unknown. If we would see what lies ahead with steadfastness and perseverance, we would know, with a little push forward, lies our breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Embrace the Genius
Embrace the genius within you. You embrace it by faith, wisdom and persistence. You embrace it by quieting the mind and contemplating. You embrace it by saying I can instead of I can’t. And you embrace it by embracing your authenticity and unique calling. Danny G.
Do Not Condemn Darkness
Do not condemn darkness, for out of every creation stems darkness. If there was only light, there would be no contrast or striving for greater. For it’s out of the darkness, that visions are born, that art and inventions are created. It’s out of the darkness that we find a light to bring us back home. We follow the light, overcome barriers and obstacles, just to find the light. We have detours and at times delays, but we always find our way back to the light, the destination and journey, to bring us back home. Danny G.