You Create Your Fate

You determine your fate. Fate is self created, and fate can change because you’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane. Don’t allow an external fate to rule over you. Let go of those misconceptions, and embrace the growth seeking being you’re destined to be. Danny G.

Words With Wisdom

Words are meant to come together for the purpose of evolution and expansion. We have the power to hurt another or uplift another. They can teach or destroy. They can resonate with a multitude for years to come, or they can vanish instantaneously. Words combined with wisdom and insights have the potential to empower generation after generation. Danny G. 

Unity and Compassion

God is about unity and compassion. He isn’t about division and separation. A thought leader teaches we have the power and potential within. You are infinite intelligence in a body with the spirit that transcends all understanding. Leaders remind you of your power. They don’t teach you to seek outside yourself. They know the greatest power dwells in the limitless and infinite source that lives inside you at all times. Danny G. 

Understanding Yourself

Ask yourself why you want these desires. What intentions do you have? Seek inward to know why these desires are calling you. Understanding yourself and your desires, is key to unlocking your full potential and calling. Danny G. 

Waiting To Be Explored

Don’t focus on merely getting your needs supplied. Think bigger, dream bigger, for you are meant for much more. Be grateful to have your needs provided, but let it be your indication that there is much more beyond the horizon waiting to be explored. Danny G. 

You Summoned the Answers

You summoned the answers through contemplation and reflection. You summoned it through your desires and yearning. You summoned through the growth seeking being you are. Don’t suppress it, and allow the Phoenix to rise from within you. Danny G. 

Unique and Authentic Mission

Be intentional. Don’t walk through life oblivious or complacent. Know your power, and don’t allow the passion to die within you. Take risks, move boldly into the unknown knowing everyone is a pioneer in their unique and authentic mission. Danny G. 

Ultimate Best

Today is your breaking point and your power for change. The past is gone and the future is waiting for your response or solution. Repeat, I am the deliberate creator of my life story, and I’m empowered to seek my desires and God’s will, which I know is my ultimate best. Danny G.

The Universe Stands By Your Side

Everyone has a different perspective, and a different journey. Their perspective and journey have no effect on you unless you allow them to. Carve your path, and know the universe stands by your side every step of the way. Danny G. 

Every Success Story

Most people bury their passion with their to do list, pressures or should have’s. Every successful person didn’t follow the pack. They followed their authenticity and uniqueness. They followed what brought them joy and fulfillment. No matter how many people contradicted their beliefs and expectations, they followed through with their desires. Eventually they got their breakthrough through faith and persistence. Danny G.