Sit with your past self. Tell him how far he’s come. Tell him the hardships were created for a purpose, and there’s meaning within every milestone. Tell him there were lessons within each adversity. Tell him it will all be ok in the end. Tell him this is my declaration and so shall it be. Danny G.
You Control the Destination
Declare this adversity is for a greater purpose. Your only role is being your best where you are, with what you have. The adversity can be a blessing or a curse, as it’s all in your perception of the challenge. Create a blessing, not a curse. You’re in control of your destination, as you mold the clay and make it your own. Danny G.
Choosing Inner Peace
Fear may always be. It may present itself at times unexpectedly. The goal shouldn’t be always to get rid of fear. It should be choosing courage over fear. It’s choosing clarity over fear. And it’s choosing peace over the misconceptions of fear. Danny G.
Declare It Into Being
Don’t allow your failures of yesterday to write the script for today. Tell yourself a new story with a happy ending. At times the failures can act as a dialogue pushing us towards the same mistakes again and again. Or we can speak a new story, persist and declare it into being. Danny G.
The Master
You are the master. You are the leader. You are the teacher. God breathed his life into you, and you have the spirit that transcends all understanding within you. Therefore, no need to look outside you, for the answers lies within. Danny G.
Are You Listening?
Ask yourself when embarking on a new endeavor, do I feel elevated or do I feel dread? That simple question defines the rest. If you feel joy, peace and ease, move forward. If you feel dread or drained, take a step back. Your feelings are always speaking to you. My question is, are you listening? Danny G.
The Compass
You have a compass within you at all times. You can choose to listen to it or ignore it. You listen to it by choosing faith over fear. You listen to it by choosing compassion over bitterness. And you listen to it by being persistent and steadfast. The voice is always within you waiting for you to step aboard. Danny G.
Your Outlook
Don’t seek to never have a negative thought. Seek to understand your negative thoughts and emotions. Seek to move beyond them by being optimistic and faithful. The negative thought can teach you, or it can hurt you. It all depends on your outlook, your persistence and faith. Danny G.
Reaching Beyond
When you persistently seek personal growth, there will be mistakes and failures. There will be trial and error. That’s the process of life. For when you reach beyond, new events, circumstances and choices arise. Be easy on yourself, forgive yourself, don’t give in, and never forget how far you’ve come. Danny G.
An Empowering Thought
The fear and dread may come back time and time again. Some things are hard to forget. The goal shouldn’t be to forget, as it should be to replace it with an empowering thought. The more you replace it, the more the negative thought dissipates. Replace it enough, and that negative hold will vanish. Danny G.