A Light Onto the World

There can be pessimism and chaos within you, or there can be optimism and clarity within you. Whatever is inside you reveals itself outwardly eventually. There is darkness and there is light. Choose to be a light onto the world, which is essentially who you are. Danny G. 

Everything is Perception

Your emotional turmoil is not created by the events and circumstances of your life. They’re created by your perceptions, beliefs and expectations. Everything is perception, and it all stems from beliefs and expectations. You can choose optimism or pessimism, bitterness or compassion, fear or faith. Whatever you choose alters your current reality and paves the rest. Danny G. 

Opportunities Within the Challenge

The very thing you dread may be your greatest breakthrough if you look for opportunities within the challenge. Be optimistic, seek joy, peace and allow the challenge to speak to you. There are opportunities within every challenge. The opportunities may present themselves as greater abundance or harmonious relationships. Or it may be a greater perception that leads to greater success. Either way, you win through optimism and faith. Danny G. 

The Next Opportunity Within You

Some doors may always remain closed. Accept that and move forward towards your next opportunity within you. Don’t stare at the closed door persistently without a means to an end. Recognize those closed chapters and realize what lies before you. Persist, claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

With Astonishment and Grace

Most of your problems exist in the past or the future. You’re either rethinking old memories that bring about heartache and pain. Or you’re dreading the future over fears or your pessimistic outlook. Accept your current reality and find that space of inner peace and stillness despite the challenges or chaos. Know reality can change with a shift of perception and faith. Persist long enough, be steadfast to your dream, and you’ll get there with astonishment and grace. Danny G. 

From Challenge to Breakthrough

Don’t focus so much on the hardships and trials. For they have a way of overtaking you through your perpetual thoughts. Focus on what you can do with the trials. Focus on how the hardships changed you and made you stronger, wiser and more faithful. You can turn any hardship into a success story. It all starts with your intention and motivation. Inspire yourself, enlighten yourself and turn the challenge into a breakthrough. Danny G. 

Faith is the Ultimate Answer

Fear can keep you complacent and stagnant if you allow it to. It can paralyze you and cause you to relinquish. Always remember faith is stronger than any fear. Next time fear comes creeping in, declare to your opposition or adversity, I will persist and overcome. I am steadfast with my goal, and I will follow through until the very end. That is my mission, with unwavering faith that cannot be shaken. Danny G. 

Never Permanent

We often fear the long dreary road, and believe it’s permanent. Keep treading the path of imperfection, and soon you’ll realize, the challenge was not for your defeat, but for your own transformation and personal growth. What was once fear and dread is replaced with a new awareness, a new creation that stemmed from your adversities and chaos. Danny G. 

Quiet Down and Listen

Self awareness is the first step to transformation. You can sleep walk and never seek your inner source. Or you can allow self awareness to transform you. Seek, be still and the solutions and answers will come as you quiet down and listen. Danny G. 

Gift Within the Challenge

No matter how great the adversity may be, there is an opportunity if you dig deep to find its cause. There is a gift within the challenge, for you and all the lives you touch. You can allow the challenge to overtake you, or you can seek the opportunity and gift within. Danny G.