Embody It

Fill your heart and soul with the laws that govern humanity. Be open minded and see what resonates with your core. Whatever resonates with you, embody it, and whatever feels uneasy to you, let it go. A wise man knows how to study the teachings for his well being and his peace of mind. Danny G. 

Astonishment and Grace

Over time we can allow failure to become our greatest defeat. Always remember the ones who achieved breakthrough art, breakthrough inventions and breakthrough lives, practiced time and time again. They pursued time and time again. They got back up time and time again. They persisted with a faith that could not die. Eventually, they achieved their breakthrough with astonishment and grace. Danny G. 


I thank you illness that plagued me for many years, for you have taught me faith, perseverance and compassion on higher levels that I can ever summon in my early years. For at first, the illness was failure, lost and confusion, but now it’s clarity, focus and a determination to share my knowledge with the world. Danny G. 

Everything Else Follows

If you want to create art, seek first to develop the mind, and in doing so, your gifts shine through. For you can practice all day and work really hard, and in doing so, it creates a labor of work. But if you seek the mind first, everything else follows. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Just as the body feels aches and pains after a workout, and then rejuvenates, so too does the soul feels aches and pain and rejuvenates. Danny G. 

Seek Wisdom and Apply It

Knowledge without action leads to nowhere. Knowledge with action, wisdom and persistence will yield your every desire. You can gather all the knowledge in the world, and still lack, or you can gather knowledge, seek wisdom and apply it. Danny G. 

Master Your World

Master your world, don’t allow the world to master you. For if you let it, this world could eat you up inside, but if you seek joy, optimism and faith, your lenses change. If you seek pessimism and bitterness, you’re allowing the world to master you. Seek to master the mind, and the world you see becomes brighter every day. Danny G. 

At Peace With the Past

Don’t resist your illusionary demons. Make peace with them, accept them, and love them for what they are, polarity and contrast. Whatever you resist persists. Fear it and you enlarge it, or dread it and you perpetuate it. Make peace with it, and they don’t have a way with you. Accept and ignore them while carving the path before you. Leave them out of your frequency, and know the deliberate creator you are, bound to create and manifest. Danny G. 

A Guidance System

There are those people who drink themselves sick, while others seek inward for the answers. Some people bury their emotions while others fully embrace them for what they are, a guidance system to their destination and dream. Danny G.