The Most Powerful Creator

Nobody can prevent your success and prosperity. Others may succeed temporarily, but only you can allow them permanently. Allow the opposition to make you stronger and steadfast. Allow it to transform you, and be a reminder that you’re the most powerful creator in your journey. Danny G. 

Never Forgotten

At times, it’s the darkness that shapes you, and stirs the faith within you. For out of darkness, motivation is unleashed, inspiration calls you, and in time wisdom and enlightenment follows you wherever you go. For you cannot help but seek your way out of the darkness, and when you do find your escape, everything you learned along the way, you bring with you in your newfound life. Danny G. 

Seek Your Higher Self

Don’t be so consumed with reaching the mountain top. Be consumed with being your best where you are with what you have. Be consumed with loving kindness. Be consumed with personal growth. For you can reach the mountain top, and not be fulfilled, or you can reach the mountain top, and bring your higher self with you. Danny G. 


Do not look at the darkness with fear and trepidation, look at the opportunity within it. For you can grow within the adversities, or you can remain stagnant, and let the challenge consume you. Boldly declare, I will take this darkness and turn it into a magnificent work of art. I will succeed and thrive. Danny G. 

The Ideal Environment

Spend time with those who uplift you, and who sees the potential and greatness within you. Be conscientious about who you spend time with, for potential within the right environment, creates success and breakthroughs. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Process

Every day is a new opportunity to discover yourself anew and unleash your full potential. Take the challenges as an opportunity for personal growth. Take the detours as an opportunity to unleash your creativity. Take the delays as an opportunity to be fully ready for the blessings that are yet to come, the inevitable process of your evolution. Danny G. 

The Greatest

God created you with uniqueness and authenticity. Do not condemn it, nor look down on it in confusion or dismay. For some of the weakest became the strongest, and some of the greatest were born in affliction. Danny G. 

Improving Your Expectations

Improve your expectations and see the greatness within you. See the potential within you. See the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Don’t settle into mediocrity or fall into the hands of others. Carve your path, declare your vision and see it through until the very end. Danny G. 

Break the Boundaries

What was accomplished yesterday could be your indication it can be accomplished today, and what wasn’t accomplished yesterday, can be your indication to break the boundaries, and allow your authenticity to shine through. Danny G. 

Bound to Manifest

Seeking the solution means going beyond what is troubling you, and focusing on the desired outcome. You focus on the desired outcome by being optimistic, faithful and compassionate. You focus on the solution when you quiet your mind and listen. When you’re in this space, it’s bound to manifest. Danny G.