Claim What’s Yours

Learn to adapt to change, for life is a perpetual process of change and growth. Let change be your friend, not your enemy, for change is what allows you to expand for the evolution of humanity. When you allow change to be your friend, the chaos or havoc around you won’t turn you bitter and pessimistic. You’ll create from the unknown, and you’ll claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.


Every season brings new choices and a new vantage point. Choices will knock at your door regardless of ignorance or trying to avoid them. You are bound to create a new you and a new life with every opportunity in front of you. Embrace the opportunity and claim what’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G. 


Be independent with your thoughts and actions. Don’t allow others to conform you or persuade you of their truth. Everyone has their own truth and perceptions, and perceptions are what creates contrast and reality. Hold fast to the vision in your heart, and claim it yours until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G. 

Become Prosperity

If you want prosperity, become prosperity. Don’t see prosperity as something to chase. See it as an inner knowing that prosperity belongs to you, it’s in you and you deserve it. Declare what’s yours through the divine, and know nothing is outside your reach. You are an extension of the divine guiding your way through the jungles of time and space. Know that through faith, it’s already yours. Danny G. 

Be Your Motivation

Motivation is a choice. You can choose lack, scarcity, pessimism, or you can create your own motivation and inspiration. Motivation increases productivity, health and happiness, while lack of it causes boredom and complacency. You are the master of the ship guiding your vessel with motivation and a fierce determination to follow through. Don’t allow life or the adversity to choose for you, be your own source of motivation and inspiration and act on it. Danny G. 

The Greatest Peace

Your greatest goal should be seeking inner peace. For when you have inner peace, the battle doesn’t wear you out incessantly. When you have inner peace, you’re happy and free. When you have inner peace, you radiant joy, success and prosperity. Danny G. 

Taking Risks

Do you want to experience the pain of regrets, or do you want to experience the discomfort of taking risks? Taking risks opens the door to new possibilities and success. The one who plays it safe all the time remains, while the one who takes risks turn their obstacles into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

Renewing Yourself

Transformation is constantly happening. It’s a constant ongoing process on an evolution to personal growth. Don’t deny it, and keep renewing yourself into the greatest version of you. Keep a relationship with your higher self, and you’ll never fall astray. Inevitably, you’ll always find your way back home. Danny G. 

Focusing on Your Passion

Focus on what brings you greatest joy and fulfillment. Focus on your passion, on what lifts your spirit. Be your source of inspiration and motivation, and the path will unfold for you. Trust that the divine is walking with you, guiding you and causing you to triumph. Danny G. 

Be Patient With Yourself

Be patient with yourself. Don’t allow mistakes or failures to create havoc within you. Give yourself some space for solitude, to seek inward and to quiet your mind. You’ll discover this is the best means to be productive, to thrive, and to triumph. Danny G.