Step Aboard

There’s a spiritual reason for every situation and challenge. If you look merely at the external, your spiritual reason cannot appear. The ego chooses to look at the external, but the soul chooses to seek inward. When you seek inward, the answers and solutions will appear, and it’s up to you to step aboard and manifest it. Danny G.  

Within Your Reach

Speak your affirmations in the present as though they’re manifesting now. You have the right to happiness, success and inner peace. As the God or Goddess you are, these emotions and manifestations are within your reach at all times. Allow them to come to fruition in the present now. Danny G. 

Define Who You Truly Are

You are not a slave to your circumstances, environment or conditions. You’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane destined to leave a mark on this generation. Don’t allow the adversities to shape you, speak to them, and allow your reaction to define who you truly are. Danny G. 

Embrace the Simplicity

Effort, and being your best, where you are with what you have is necessary to achieve your desires. However, fighting it, forcing it into being, and going against God’s will won’t yield your desires. Don’t over complicate life, embrace the simplicity of being the best you. Danny G. 

Your Only Role

Allow your soul to speak to you, to provide you with wisdom, love and inner peace. Don’t contradict it with your ego, that listens merely to your infirmities and lack. Become adept to listening to your soul and acting on it. Your soul is always speaking to you, your only role is listening, declaring it, and taking action steps to your dream. Danny G.  

Beautiful Story

Don’t seek to be without faults. Pursue the journey of imperfections and contrast. We all have weaknesses and flaws, but the ones who achieved greatness took the imperfections and created a  beautiful story of triumph and victory. Danny G. 

Perfection in Imperfection

As I gaze staring at perfection through my eyes, I now see imperfection in disguise. The disguise is illusionary as there is perfection in imperfection, simply a change of perception. Will there always be imperfection standing before me or as a disguise? As long as my perception remains, imperfection remains. Does imperfection lie dormant without a means to defeat it? Defeating it means looking at imperfection, changing your perception, or creating a wonderful work of art. Danny G. 

Reprogramming It

Get to know your subconscious mind. Program it with faith, wisdom and love. Become conscious of your subconscious mind, and reprogram it for success. Allow your conscious mind to unite with your subconscious, so they may work harmoniously with the divinity you are. Danny G. 

God in Human Form

You’re a God or Goddess in human form, and whatever wisdom, enlightenment and love comes from the God within you. You are an ambassador of the divine, imparting your gifts and knowledge to the world for the ultimate expansion of the universe. Danny G. 

Infinite Supply

Don’t seek to barely get by. Don’t seek mediocrity, or merely having your needs supplied. Seek God for all his abundance, prosperity and infinite supply. Seek him in all you do, and he’ll provide you with his limitless blessings and favor. Danny G.