Limitless and Infinite

Don’t focus on the mountain, focus on your God, the limitless infinite source that he is. Focus on the great I AM, and speak these words as though you’re a God or Goddess creating and imparting peaceful change. Focusing perpetuates the unfolding of what lies next, so entertain your mind with thoughts of passion, peace and joy. Becoming one with the divine is knowing faith and peace overcomes all fear and confusion. Becoming one with the divine is knowing all is well, everything is working together for my good, and humanity. Becoming one with the divine is knowing we all come from the same source, and we’re all in this together, as we impart our seed for a greater world and a peaceful nation. Danny G.  

Master of Destiny

You can distract yourself into oblivion never getting to those deep rooted questions that lie underneath. You can focus on everything you’re not, and forget about your soul and untapped potential within. You can forget about your source, its love for you, and its inner guidance steering you to your divine calling and purpose. Regain your power, make it your own, while knowing you are the master of your destiny, and God is always guiding you, and shedding his light for you and humanity. Danny G.

A Journey to Embark

There will always be more questions to answer, and incompletion in disguise. There will be more mountains to climb, and a journey to embark. Don’t fight it, or resist it, and allow it to unfold as it should. Savor the view, make memories, so that in the end, you will be pleased you embarked. Danny G.

The Limitless Source

Every invention came first from an idea. Every breakthrough came first from persistence and faith. Every recovery came first from a belief that it can be done. Therefore, know your power and part in creation. Know the limitless source you serve, and the infinity of the universe, and that nothing is impossible with the great I AM! Danny G. 

Your Breakthrough

Everything came first from a thought. Every success or failure came from thoughts. Every creation came from imagination. Therefore, we have control and power through the vision we hold in our minds. We have control and power through the stormy night and the mountain top. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are, and let your thoughts lead you to your breakthrough, and magnificent sunrise. Danny G. 

Inevitable and Great

I am a work in progress, still faced with opposition and challenges. I am a work in progress, being my best every day until the day I die. I am a work in progress showing kindness to the world, despite the treachery and cruelty. Although not a finished product, I’m always striving for greater, and that’s what makes the victory inevitable and great. Danny G. 

Destined to Triumph

Don’t follow the trend, follow your unique soul’s journey. Everyone that followed the trend was focused on others rather than their inner self. Advice is good, but everyone has wisdom within, calling them to their untapped potential and greatness. The trend follows the perceived right, but the soul follows its unique purpose, destined to triumph. Danny G.

Under My Feet

When the rock struck you sideways, know there’s purpose within the storm. No matter how dire it seems, don’t forget your worthiness and will. You’re a victor and overcomer, and you have always been. The storm is calling you to proclaim freedom and peace. Therefore, go forth, release your gifts and guiding light to the world. Say it’s under my feet, release the chains and claim it yours. Danny G.

Triumph Over the Pain

Don’t fight against the seasons, embrace them with loving arms. For every season has a purpose within, if we look deep passed the superficial lenses. When we realize the soul beings that we are, the oneness that defines humanity at large, we know we’re in this together for global change and a peaceful nation. We know we have inner guidance calling us at all times,  through faith, strength, and power from the divine. We know with utter perfection and faith, that the answer lies within our source and creator. And with this source, we can tackle whatever comes our way, and triumph over our worldly calamities, affliction and pain. We realize our power through the divinity that we are, and that source will orchestrate it all, for our well being and the well being of humanity. Danny G.