There are those people who do exceptionally great with their lives, and there are those people who only tread water. The ones who did great always broke free from the cage, they spread their wings and soared. Danny G.
Focusing on Optimism
You can entertain anything with your thoughts, either negative, or positive. Whatever you entertain will eventually seep into your reality. Spend time contemplating and reflecting on your desired outcome. Think of it as writing a script and having it played on the movie screen of your mind. It can either be a meaningful, uplifting movie, or it can be its opposite. Recognize the importance of guiding your thoughts to joy and fulfillment, and you’ll get the essence of your every desire. Danny G.
Boldly Declare and Thrive
Some people create by default without a care in the world, and bumble into opposition and trials. They then bow down overwhelmed by their current trouble and chaos. Others declare themselves as the deliberate creators they were born to be. They boldly declare their victory and triumph, as they set the stage for its arrival. They’re also aware an awakening is needed at times to overcome and thrive. Danny G.
Anointing and Favor
Know if it’s God’s will and timing, he will intervene for your highest good. If it’s his will, nothing can prevent it, nor take away your anointing and favor. Therefore, march your course with your head held up high. Know God is with you, guiding you, and helping you achieve your divine purpose, and dream. Danny G.
Allowing the Infinite Intelligence
Open your eyes and see there are many roads to Rome, and many ways to heal, and grow. There is so much contrast, with so many voices trying to pull you one way. Each voice is vying for your attention, as you chart your course. Perception can always change, when you allow the divine to unleash the infinite intelligence. Danny G.
Taking A Leap
Don’t wait until the storm passes by before taking a leap into the unknown. Don’t wait for a perfect moment to move forward and thrive. Don’t wait until you convince yourself otherwise. Be the leader, choose your life path with joy and gratitude in your heart. When you follow this path, you’re destined to change your life, and the world in which ever way you choose. Danny G.
Listen To Your Authentic Self
You were created with purpose, uniqueness, and gifts. Don’t try to follow someone else’s path, for they have their own journey and strengths. Listen to your inner guidance, to who you truly are, and to your authentic self. It won’t fail, and you’ll realize there’s a world inside waiting to be discovered. Danny G.
Claim It Now
When opportunity knocks at your door, believe in your worthiness, and can do spirit. You worked so hard to be where you are today, after long hard nights, perseverance and faith. You flourished and called it your own, now you’re standing next to it, so claim it now. Danny G.
Painting A Masterpiece
Nobody is destined to live in depression, and nobody is destined to live in fear. Neither are we destined to live in scarcity. Don’t allow this to become your home, and don’t accept you’ll always struggle. Force it into being if you must, or fake it until you make it. Allow the journey to unfold as you create your own story, and paint a meaningful masterpiece, in the midst of the storm. Danny G.
Born To Be
Whatever you focus on consistently, you project onto your life, whether positive or negative. If you remain in a negative mentality, you’ll only drag yourself down further from who you truly are. Fake it if you have to, and see this wall tumbling down by your strength and determination to not give in. See this challenge as under your feet, and see yourself as the victor you were born to be. Create your own story, enjoy the journey as you find your path and make memories. Danny G.