When the inspiration calls you to move, step forth boldly with a spring in your step. Know that the universal force is inside you, and in every particle in the universe. Don’t doubt, and embrace your journey to the mountain top. Danny G.
Embrace It
That challenge or adversity was only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny and triumph. Don’t resist it, embrace it, feel it, and allow the inspiration to guide you, lead you, and cause you to thrive. Danny G.
Reaction Defines Everything
Having inner peace should be the primary focus, for when we are at peace, it emanates everywhere we go. Our peace is contagious to all the lives we touch, and this contributes to world peace. Being at peace no matter what the circumstances are, is true mastery, for it’s our reaction that defines everything including the life that unfolds. Reactions can either pull us into a pit so deep we cannot find a means to get out, or it can catapult us to our divine destiny, and breakthrough. Danny G.
The Grandest Version Of You
Don’t seek approval, for if you do, you will always seek to be someone else than who you truly are. Seek authenticity and uniqueness. Seek the grandest version of you, know you are worthy, and you’ll discover approval comes first from within, not from an outside source. Danny G.
Redefining Life
You are not destined to fail. You are not destined to a fate of doom. Neither are you destined to live in scarcity. You’re in this physical plane to redefine you, and your newfound life. Life is constantly changing and so are you, so just embrace it, and be the best version of you, and all will fall into place in its divine timing and sequence. Danny G.
Follow Your Passion
Follow your passion, what you love to do, and what brings you the greatest joy. That passion stems from the God or Goddess within you. Denying it, is denying who you truly are, and what you came forth to be. Danny G.
Allowing the Divine
Whatever you’ve been procrastinating over and over again, know the God or Goddess within you isn’t afraid of the long trek to the mountain top. No matter how great the challenge, or the opposition, he holds steadfastly to his vision and dream. He doesn’t waver as he allows the divine to reveal the journey. Danny G.
Cross Again
When that void appears and you cannot summon the enthusiasm to get up, just know you’ve crossed this path before, and every moment is a new creation. Cross again and trust in the God or Goddess you are, and every moment is a new opportunity for growth and success. Danny G.
Thrive Nevertheless
There’s a conversation happening within you at all times, the good, the bad, reality and faith. We choose which conversation we want to tune into. Sometimes the negative creeps in as we try to hold steadfastly to the positive. There’s always a brighter side to the story, if we look within with persistence and faith. The conversation you entertain is entirely up to you, and the more you entertain optimism, the greater joy you’ll feel, the greater inspiration you’ll feel, and the greater enlightenment you’ll feel. Every magnificent piece of art began with these positive emotions and insights. Allow them to flourish into what they’re destined to be, as you carve your masterpiece, and thrive nevertheless. Danny G.
Why Doubt His Power
The activity of worrying zaps your strength and vitality. It freezes you in your tracks and immobilizes you. Seek faith and courage. Faith says I can conquer anything, and everything is possible. Courage says the divine is with me, guiding me, protecting me, and conspiring on my behalf, so why doubt his power? Danny G.