Whatever creates passion, love and a driving force to create positive change, for yourself and others, is what you came forth to be. Whatever passion you cannot suppress, that keeps on springing forth time and time again, that’s your calling from the divinity you are. Stop suppressing it, and stop procrastinating, be the leader of your emotions, and break free from your limitations. Embrace the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.
The Identity You Choose
Do you want to define your identity with your past, or do you want to define your identity with the new improved version of you? You can live in the past never letting go, or you can be the phoenix you were created to be, and create a masterpiece destined to be. Danny G.
Changing Your Inner World
There’s always two worlds within you, an inner world, and an outer world. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in the outer world, you forget about your inner world. Both are becoming, and both are happening simultaneously. One is constantly affecting the other, whether negative or positive. Don’t get so stuck on your outer world, that you forget your inner world, because your inner world reflects your outer world and vice versa. Change your inner world to project the essence of your being, and the essence of your desires. Then you’ll see it play back in the outer world as your creation, imagination, and what’s destined to be. Danny G.
Be the Leader
When they say it cannot be done, be the leader, and choose your life path. Always remember the ones who broke free from the cage always let go of their limitations, they broke free of their boundaries, and soared. Danny G.
Allow Change to Unfold
Your standard is always changing, as you adopt new beliefs and expectations. Don’t conform, or be complacent, and allow change to unfold. Life is always changing, and so are you, so allow the inevitable process of the journey to unfold. Let go of resistance, and let go of old ways. Allow the new to manifest as you embark on unknown land. Change will be easier and easier when you accept you’re always creating yourself anew, and you’re always writing the script to a new destination. Danny G.
Boldness and Bravery
You are a match to whatever it is you are attracting, the teachers or healers, the journey and success, the delays, detours and trials. There are many roads to the mountain top, but don’t wander forever in the forest, without a means to an end. Declare your success and breakthrough, and be bold and brave enough to take the high road, and never look back. Danny G.
Remove the Thorn
When the adversity comes surging through, take it as an opportunity to remove the thorn. Take it as an opportunity to thrive, as the eagle rises high above the stormy wintery sky. He knows what he has to do to overcome the challenge and soar. Danny G.
Your Journey to Success
At times fear and despair can blossom into something beautiful, if you simply stop fighting the storm and embrace the new. Embracing the new means letting your thoughts be, not condemning them or finding fault, but realizing it’s just a part of your journey to success. Embracing means being who you truly are and being the best you. Your only control is being the best version of you, so stop fighting, and allow the divine to work in your life and orchestrate it all for you, and humanity. Danny G.
The Inevitable Journey
Let go of resistance and negative energy that zaps your strength. The universe knows what you want and it knows how to manifest it, so surrender, take action steps and believe in the inevitable journey of success. Danny G.
Simply Listen
Everything in the universe has a purpose if you simply listen. Listen to your inner voice and cut out all distractions from external sources. The divine dwells inside you at all times, so don’t be afraid, call to him in your darkest hours, and he will intervene and cause you to overcome. Danny G.