Your Will and Purpose

When you have faith in this infinite intelligence and power, your strength and vitality is renewed. What you thought was impossible is now within your reach, as you stumble into opposition, and thrive nevertheless. You’ll step unto uncharted territory, claim it yours, and you will know you are anointed for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.

Dared to Believe and Persevere

Although the journey may not be easy, and the healing may not come immediately, and you may feel the world crumbling down on you. Always remember the ones who had their breakthrough, pulled through steadfastly with persistence. They knew the path was paved, and they dared to believe and persevere. Danny G. 

Your Power and Resilience

With persistence, wisdom, and faith, you can conquer mountains before you. It all starts with a belief in your worthiness, strength, and the brilliant soul that you are. Don’t doubt your power, and resilience, for it was meant to catapult you to greatness. Danny G.

Destined for Greatness

Nothing is random or an accident, and neither are you. You were created with purpose and uniqueness, destined to spark change. Don’t doubt your power, your gifts, and your origin, for the universe is waiting for you to unleash the inner you, who is destined for greatness. Danny G. 

Allow it to Flourish

Let your calling lead the path, as you accept it, and allow it to flourish. Don’t fight against it, let it unfold, and call you to a greater purpose. For it will keep springing forth time and time again until its mission is fulfilled, and your joy magnifies with greater passion, zeal and life. Danny G.

Meant to Catapult You

Don’t fall prey to life’s current reality and challenges, for they were only meant to catapult you into your divine destiny. Every journey has uphills, trials, and contrast, but don’t allow them wear you down incessantly. Allow them to mold you, change you, and redefine you into the  phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.

Bloom and Thrive

Acceptance, inner peace and joy, is being grateful where you currently stand, and realizing you have everything you need to fulfill your dreams. It’s being your best where you are with what you have, and knowing that nevertheless, despite all your surroundings, you can still bloom and thrive. Danny G.

Strong Will

Obligations are self imposed, as there is no right or wrong, there are only choices that agree or disagree with your soul. What makes you unique is your strong will and determination not to follow the rest, and do what resonates with your core. Danny G.

A Unique One Of A Kind

Know in your heart you are a god or goddess in human form, a unique one of kind destined to leave your mark on this generation. Don’t doubt your power, and potential, for the most powerful force in the universe is guiding you to your ultimate best, growth and triumph. Danny G. 

Ready to Claim Yours

There was a time you were full of faith and possibilities as you pondered your life and future. Then you allowed life to turn you bitter, resentful and lonely. You forgot about the power that remained in your hands, and you believed you were alone in life in God’s hands. So you created this reality, not knowingly, to forget. Then came a word that spiked your faith, and you believed in your worthiness and power again. It only took one word or person, to show that they cared. They reminded you of how powerful you are, and that there are great souls out there to help. Off you went on your journey, of self discovery and freedom. You broke free from the cage, and remembered the redefining moment again. And you remembered God was with you from the start, and he had great plans ready for you to claim yours. Danny G.