Born To Be

Whatever you focus on consistently, you project onto your life, whether positive or negative. If you remain in a negative mentality, you’ll only drag yourself down further from who you truly are. Fake it if you have to, and see this wall tumbling down by your strength and determination to not give in. See this challenge as under your feet, and see yourself as the victor you were born to be. Create your own story, enjoy the journey as you find your path and make memories. Danny G.

Remember Your Origin

Though there may be many detours and wrong turns, remember why you started, and why you persevered. Though you may feel like giving up, remember your origin, strength, and wisdom. It’s within you, waiting for you, and waiting to be unleashed. If you simply accept, embrace and know your mission within, you will be astounded by your untapped potential and greatness. Danny G.

The Victors

We’re victors with a mission in mind for happiness and success. We’re born to do great things and change the world. Every person is a God or Goddess imparting their seed into the world. Victory is in your blood line, and you’re destined to leave a mark in this generation. Danny G.

The Ideal Time

For every season that ends, there’s a realization you won’t walk through this same door again. If you stay focused on this closed chapter, you may not see all the other possibilities. They’re waiting for you if you simply let go and embrace the new opportunities destined to be. Keep an open mind, and know everything comes at the ideal time. Danny G.

Divine Purpose

You chose this mountain because climbing it would spring forth the most miraculous sunset among the greatest sky. You chose this mountain because the end product resonated with your very core. And you knew if you persisted, the victory was inevitable and breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.

Focusing on the Outcome

Ponder a subject long enough and you’ll create its very existence. For whatever you give perpetual great emotion, the manifestation begins. You can stop anything from occurring if you simply change your focus, and release pessimism, fears and dread. When you focus on a brighter outcome with perpetual faith and joy, the manifestation begins. Focus on it long enough, and you’ll create the very essence of your intention and desire. Danny G.


Embrace the past with love in your heart, and embrace the growth it brought forth today. All the turns, detours, and failures together, created the journey and purpose today. Forgive yourself, and release all guilt. For acceptance or guilt creates health or sickness. Don’t forget your destiny awaits for your simple pleasure, purpose and creation. And don’t forget to honor the long road home that brought you the journey. Danny G.

Perpetual Growth

Circumstances and experiences change over time, therefore, further explanation and insight is needed. Life is an ongoing motion of perpetual growth and evolution. How did the court of law change over time? How did technology progress over time? How did we evolve collectively? There is no end to evolution, as it’s simply a continuous unfolding to grow collectively and as individuals. The most important element is to look back on how far we’ve come, and to know that expansion is inevitable. Danny G.

Appreciation the Answer

Why is gratitude and appreciation the answer? Because when you’re grateful and appreciative of your life, you’re in a positive frame of mind. When you’re in a positive frame of mind, you’re receptive to all the good that can come. Gratitude and appreciation only brings happiness, inner peace, and success, while pessimism only brings sadness and misery. When you’re appreciative of you, you’re only doing yourself a favor, and you don’t feel the exhaustion and sickness that pessimism brings. Danny G.