You have the power of influence to help your loved ones fulfill their destiny and dreams. The only control you’ll ever have over another is through the power of influence. Therefore, be a beacon for your loved ones to complete their mission and ultimately their destiny. Danny G.
No Conformity Just Bliss
There are no obligations in life other than the obligations we impose on ourselves. Is there only one road to travel? What if everyone on this planet was an exact replica of each other? The world would be a boring place, wouldn’t it? Then why are we trying to find one right path for everyone? Why are we trying to live our lives based on others’ preconceptions? What creates uniqueness, humanity and the universe? Conforming to the beliefs and expectations of everyone else, or conforming to Joseph Campbell’s quote which says “FOLLOW YOUR BLISS!” Danny G.
Teaching and Interconnection
We teach through the clarity of our example, and we attract people who are in the same vibrational frequency, and who benefit from our interactions. The world and humanity are all interconnected, and the universe knows how to orchestrate events in our favor for our ultimate well-being, and expansion. Danny G.
The Greatest Wisdom
The greatest wisdom is to know our creator and the laws that govern the universe. We can have all the intellect and knowledge in the world, but if we lack wisdom, we can’t do anything, and we stumble everywhere we go. Because intellect without wisdom is looking at the surface rather than the source. What better way to look at the source than to look at the one who created it all, including you. Look beyond the superficial ego and realize what truly matters, which is eternal. The soul is eternal, it never dies, and it always seeks joy and success, knowing ultimately how to get there. Danny G.
Being Genuine
People respect an individual who’s true to themselves, not someone who teaches one thing but contradicts himself through his actions. What is living your teachings? It’s teaching happiness because you are happy. It’s teaching gratitude because you are grateful. If you know what brings happiness, gratitude, and you’re living it, then go teach it. However, if you’re not living it, teach something you know. In the meantime, work at being happy, then once you live it, you’ll teach through the clarity of your example. Invest time for yourself, and then in time you’ll be living it and well able to reach out to others. Danny G.
Laughter the Best Medicine
Sometimes, the best medicine is laughter and a smile when we feel beaten down by life. A simple life pleasure brings about the best outcome and joy out of life. If we simply find peace, among the plot, happiness and joy will surely come. For when we are uneasy, we’re simply floating against the current. Finding pleasure in simple modern-day living, is enough to shift the current in your favor, and ultimately, your divine destiny and will. Danny G.
Is the World Getting Worse or Better?
We hear about the pessimists who say the world is getting worse, our lives are deteriorating, and there’s much more cruelty in the world. Look at these facts and decide for yourself if you want to be the pessimist or the optimist.
There has been a significant decrease in global war and deaths from 1945 to 2011. From 1945 to 2011 the global death rate has declined from 22 per 100,000 to 0.3 per 100,000. There has been a tremendous decrease in poverty over the past couple centuries. In 1820, there was 1 billion people who lived in extreme poverty. As of 2015, there was 705 million people who lived in extreme poverty. Consider the fact that the population has increased by approximately 6 billion people since 1820, and the number of poverty cases still decreased. Since 1900, the global life expectancy has more than doubled. Our medicines have improved substantially and our overall medical system has upgraded significantly.
Overall, is the world getting worse or better? Do you want to be the pessimist who sees the worse in everything? Or do you want to be the optimist who says, the universe is always progressing and expanding for the ultimate well-being of humanity. The crucial factor is how we perceive it. Danny G.
Reaching Out
When you acknowledge a person and you’re there for him when he hits rock bottom, that’s being genuine and compassionate. It’s easy to acknowledge and recognize a public figure or highly regarded individual. The people who need compassion and acceptance the most are the ones at their lowest point. Danny G.
Cutting Out Distractions
When you cut out all distractions, and you focus on you and God, you’re able to understand your depth and your reason for being. You’re able to access the wisdom you’ve been yearning for, and the answers to your questions. All power, wisdom, and answers, lies within. Danny G.
A Helping Hand
It’s easy to acknowledge and respect someone when he’s wealthy, famous or highly regarded. The wise person says I’ll acknowledge and respect those who are lost, and whose lives have fallen apart. I’ll be the one to pull them back up, and give them a spring in their step. Who needs acceptance more than the other, the one who’s got it together? Or the one who’s lost, afraid and who feels rejected? Danny G.