We prejudge what we don’t understand and that which we cannot find an explanation. We assume we have someone figured out, simply from an observation and belief. The true gift of wisdom is awareness everybody has a story and a reason for being. The true gift of wisdom is seeing the gifts in a person despite all their flaws. The true gift of wisdom is seeing the potential of who they can become. Danny G.
Compassion Over Sympathy
Sympathy will cry with you for a lifetime, never getting you anywhere but grieving. Compassion will say get up, you have the power that creates worlds inside you, and you can conquer anything. Until you realize this, grief will drag you down until your very last day. Choose compassion, and it will reward you with the strength and will power to persevere. Danny G.
Alignment is Key
Don’t seek outside yourself for happiness and peace of mind, since you have no control over the exterior. You only have control over your own alignment, and when you’re in alignment, happiness and inner peace is inevitable if you simply let it be. Danny G.
Subject to Change
The right choice is the choice that resonates with you this very moment. The right choice is the choice that you feel peace about this very moment. The right choice is subject to change, as you are an infinite being always seeking growth and expansion. Danny G.
Don’t Follow Seek Within
Don’t worry if your journey is not the conventional route. The only wrong path would be the one that feels uneasy to you, and that you know deep down doesn’t feel right. Why else would we have emotions? If you don’t feel peace about it, walk away from it no matter how badly you want it. If you do feel peace about it, even if it defies logic step boldly on your path, and you will be astounded by the accuracy of your intuition. Danny G.
Our Infinite Intelligence
Anybody can tap into the infinite intelligence, and everybody’s infinite intelligence is unique in one way or another. That’s why everybody brings something much needed to the world. When we recognize our uniqueness and power, we are aware of our inner gifts and guiding light to share with the world. Danny G.
At Peace In The Moment
We live in a fantasy world only wanting the next breakthrough, now or never or we’ll be forever disappointed. We seek the next fad, only to get disappointed when we realize our soul is not ready for it. If we can be at peace in the moment, exactly where we stand, we wouldn’t be restless and uneasy in our skin. We would know everything comes from within, and happiness, and gratitude is the fuel that brings about the outcome. If we can be at peace despite the boredom or chaos of today, we can be at peace indefinitely, no matter what the future brings. Danny G.
Planted Firmly In My Roots
I seek within, silence myself, then plant your words in my mind and soul, repeat again as many times as it takes to know myself from your dwelling space. I stand firmly, undoubtedly and unwavering in my roots, while steadily pursuing your will and my heartfelt mission. Danny G.
Destined To Be
While the world tries to conform you, you know in the depth of your being, that you were destined for greatness. The only opposition stopping you was their voice, in which you gave too much significance. Create your own voice, and conform to your beliefs, so that in the end you won’t regret being you and following your dreams. Danny G.
Contemplation is Growth
When I look back on the journey of my life, I realize the only times I grew was when I looked beyond the ego lenses, and expanded my view. The times I grew was when I was mindful despite the pain, and mindful despite my ego desperately wanting to pull through. Danny G.