A Faith That Cannot Die

If they surpassed the expectation, then why can’t you? What do they have that you don’t? Everyone has a winner inside them. Everyone can ignite a faith that cannot die. Do you want to follow the ordinary, or do you want to follow the extraordinary? Danny G. 

Anxiety Into Inner Peace

Anxiety persists until you stop feeding the emotions. You feed the emotions by speaking words that amplify the anxiety. You feed it by allowing your actions and behavior to follow the anxiety. What is the opposite of anxiety? Peace, stillness and tranquility. We achieve this state by relaxation and reflection. We achieve it through faith and knowing that everything works together for good. Know everything is in order, there’s an ideal timing for everything, and all is well. That’s what turns anxiety into inner peace and well being. Danny G.  

The Reason for the Void

That void inside you exists for a reason. You can choose to avoid it, or you can fill it with toxins, and chemicals which only harm your body. You can be productive with it, replace it with a purpose, mission and passion. The void is asking you to seek within. Once you seek within instead of being overly consumed with the external, you’ll know its reason for being for you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

Your Capabilities and Unique Abilities

The external may last a season, but your faith, wisdom and compassion lasts eternally. You may forget at times, or you you may get lost in the wilderness. Adversities may strike, or opposition may seem too great to conquer. Always remember as a reminder, you can always go back to your source. Your source remains inside your heart and soul where all answers and solutions are at your fingertips, capabilities and unique abilities. Danny G. 

Aging Gracefully

Our bodies age and change over time. This change can be a blessing or a curse. The blessing is gaining wisdom, experience and memories as we age. The curse is resisting and fighting change. It’s not accepting aging. Self acceptance, embracing every season, and learning is key to aging gracefully with ease. Danny G. 

Contemplate Your Inspiration

Inspiration wouldn’t manifest without action steps, persistence and faith. You can leave inspiration as an idea, an imagination, or you can allow the inspiration to speak to you on more levels. Contemplate your inspiration, persist with it and allow your faith to manifest it. Danny G. 

Boredom and Passion 

Boredom often stems from not acting on your passion, enthusiasm and inspiration. Your passion is your creation. Your enthusiasm is what motivates you. And your inspiration is taking your passion, enthusiasm and turning it into reality with your thoughts and action steps. Danny G. 

Always Ready

Pain, adversities and grief are inevitable. By confronting it with optimism, faith and compassion, you’re becoming stronger and wiser. Every time you take personal time for your yourself, you grow stronger. Every time you are optimistic instead of pessimistic, you’re gaining greater wisdom. Every time you choose faith instead of fear, you replenish your soul. Every time you choose compassion instead of bitterness, you choose to follow the divinity within you, always ready to tackle the next hurdle and triumph. Danny G.