Your Power Freedom and Faith

The infinite source inside you is greater than any addiction. The addiction is created by your mind. Within your mind lies your power, freedom and faith. Learn from it, and acknowledge the limitless intelligence inside you. Know that this power is greater than any addiction or negative habits. Learn to let go and embrace the greatness within you. Danny G.  

Your Self Awareness

Don’t allow others to steer you astray. If you feel good about it, and you feel peace, move forward. Don’t allow others’ misconceptions tell you otherwise. Your soul knows what to do for your ultimate best. Follow it, and allow the divine to work in you and through you. Danny G. 

Be The Path

Your passion is your enthusiasm and excitement for life. It’s what gets you up in the morning. It’s your motivation to contribute and add value in the world. You create your passion with your higher self. Don’t allow others to show you the path. Be the path by following your authenticity and talents. Danny G. 

Interconnection and Co-Creation

All of us are meant for interconnection and co-creation. Humanity exists for its collaboration, insights and creativity. The goal shouldn’t be competition, since we all exist to bring something unique to the world. Danny G.  


Would a compassionate creator birth you randomly with nothing to give? That perception lives only in your mind. Seek inward to find your talents and reason for being. You define your inner calling and mission. Your divine will and journey all interplay for a greater humanity. Danny G. 

Focus On What You Conquered

We focus on the long trek forward, on our weaknesses and flaws. We must learn to be proud of ourselves this present moment. Be proud of the journey that brought you here. Be proud of the adversities you faced and overcame. Be proud of your journey and evolution. Don’t focus merely on the end product. Focus on what you conquered. Danny G. 

Your Ultimate Best

You often don’t see how all the right dots connect. You question and question and get frustrated. Take a step back and realize that the greatest source in the universe is inside you and he is guiding your path. Don’t doubt, be optimistic, have faith, persist and you will see how everything is in its ideal sequence, ideal timing and for your ultimate best. Danny G. 

When the Interior Becomes the Exterior

At times desires tests your patience. You work towards your dreams and goals only to find out the timing is off. You want it now and it’s testing your patience. Many get frustrated, angry and quit out of confusion. Don’t look at the exterior manifestation, look at the interior manifestation, and once you arrive there mentally, your exterior world matches your interior world. Danny G. 

The Calling for Your Vision

Don’t seek merely the intention. Seek the reason for the motivation. Pay attention to your inner thoughts, and find the calling for your vision. Find the purpose, the value and create the inspiration to fulfill the intention. Danny G. 

Your Worthiness

You deserve the right to see your breakthrough. You deserve the right to see your achievements. You deserve the right to see your success. Just on the other side of this challenge awaits your gift to be unleashed. Never give up, because greatness awaits you. Danny G.