Being A Light in the Darkness

We make choices every moment of every day. Most of those choices are unconscious. We must retrain our mind to be conscious. By being conscious, we embrace our gifts and creativity. Those gifts and creativity are needed in the world to shift global consciousness. With enough light workers, we have the potential to shift humanity and create positive global change. Danny G. 

Your New Focal Point

The past can grab a hold on you and cause a burden if you let it. Or you can practice letting go, not fighting or resisting. You can practice compassion, inner peace and forgiveness. You can allow the present to be your new focal point and create your own reality. Danny G.  

Your Journey and Success

You never know what experience will lead to your desire. At times it can appear powerless and bleak, but if we dare to see past the experience, transformation and personal growth manifests. Self awareness expands which all lead to your journey and success. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Power and Control

Do your best where you are with what you have, and the rest is up to the universe to do its part with its limitless powers and intelligence. You give your best, and the universe gives its best, for your evolution and the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

Your Higher Self and Soul

Messages come in all different forms and types. They come from contrast, environments and upbringings. Find the ones that resonate with your higher self and soul. Find the ones that bring you inner peace and happiness. This is the way to find your inner self, personal growth and transformation. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Power and Creation

If the tale gave you inspiration, why does it matter where it came from? If the words gave you joy and inner peace, why do you care what birthed it within you? Your imagination is your greatest power and creation. What matters is what you do with the inspiration. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Potential Within

Do not fear the inner work, for in time the inner work turns into success. Do not fear your strength, since from within lies your infinite and limitless power. Combine your inner work with your perseverance, and you unleash your greatest potential within. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Life

Your life purpose is to be happy. Your life purpose is freedom and exploration. Seek joy, the present moment and know you’re free to become who you want to be. You’re free for whatever mission you choose to be. Combine wisdom with exploration and you’ll live your greatest life. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Asset

God yearns for your inner peace and happiness. From this space of peace and happiness, you’re more receptive to the signs from your source. You’re in a better place to reach out a helping hand and change the world for the divine, you and your loved ones. Danny G.