You’re always rediscovering yourself anew. Once you overcome one challenge, another one presents itself for your growth and expansion. Don’t fight the process, be open minded, and allow this challenge to be your next breakthrough. Danny G.
From Challenges to Experiences
Change the word challenges to experiences. See what the experience is telling you. Seek inward for the answers and solutions. From within lies a world of wisdom waiting for you to claim it now. Danny G.
Quote for Today
As before challenges exhausted you and burdened you. Now you know that with every challenge, comes a new awareness, a new success story, that’s bound to be yours. Danny G.
Enjoying the Journey
Don’t be so destination oriented that you forget to enjoy the journey. The journey is the reason for being, and there will always be something else on the horizon waiting for you to claim it yours. Embrace happiness, inner peace and freedom to experience, explore and create deliberately. Danny G.
A Unity Of Interconnected Beings
We cannot live without compassion, nor can we expand without compassion. Whatever change we make, we impact others by being our unique self. We are a unity of interconnected beings striving for peace and harmony. Don’t seek division, seek the greater you, which is love and compassion. Danny G.
Always Within
There’s a hero within you at all times. That hero is the spirit within you. It’s the infinite intelligence and limitless possibilities. You can tap into this spirit at any time. You tap into it by embracing the genius within you, and the artist within you, as you sculpt and paint the vision of your life that you hold in your mind. Danny G.
Always Changing
Life is always changing and so are you. The right choice you made yesterday may not be ideal today, and the right choice you make tomorrow may not be ideal today. You are always evolving and growing personally and spiritually. Do what resonates with you this very moment. Do what you feel peace about this very moment. Then tomorrow, the choice may change, but it will be for your ultimate best. Danny G.
Acknowledge Your Power
We create our addiction through needing a distraction to numb the pain. We create our addiction by saying we are powerless and weak. We create our addiction by not looking ahead. Identify the root cause, acknowledge your power and potential within. Persist with faith in your heart, and eventually that negative hold will vanish. Danny G.
Already Within You
Out of your darkest hours, you found relief from a mentor or teacher. You went to him in your deepest despair for answers to your adversities. Everything he taught you resonated with your very core. Everything he taught you was already within you waiting to be awakened. You just needed a reminder from your soul. Danny G.
A Learning Experience
Take every mistake or failure as a learning experience. A learning experience for personal growth, and to experience greater happiness, peace and success. For out of every mistake lies your potential and opportunity to expand further, reach greater and achieve more. Danny G.