Pay attention to your thoughts, for they can either make you or break you. Your inner dialogue is constantly happening. You can choose pessimism or optimism, fear or faith, bitterness or compassion. Whatever you tell your inner voice creates the path before you. Declare I am in the process of creation every moment of every day. I choose to be in alignment with my source and ultimate provider. With this mindset, nothing is outside my reach and nothing is impossible. Danny G.
Quote for Today
If I changed into someone I’m not, I wouldn’t have overcome myself. Without my epiphany, I would have followed the rest, and never discovered who I truly am. Danny G.
Living Mindfully
There are three ways of living. They are living in the past, living in the fear of the future and living mindfully. Living in the past keeps you stagnant. Living in the fear of the future keeps you dreading the future and often it keeps you in the safe complacent zone. Living mindfully is embracing the present moment, all it has to offer as you embark change and create life deliberately. Danny G.
Your Divine Mission
We are all authentic and unique. You’re carving the path before you with God standing by your side. Move forward with faith, knowing the universe will conspire on your behalf for your mission, and for the expansion of all that is. Danny G.
Breakdown Into Breakthrough
Don’t expect to just move beyond the challenge. Declare I will take this adversity, and transform it into my greatest success. Mediocrity is merely satisfaction, but excellence is turning the breakdown into a breakthrough. Danny G.
Just A Transition
Everything is a transition, not an end. Change the word end to a transition. Change it for a transition to a greater you. A transition for a greater life. A transition from turning the breakdown into a breakthrough. Danny G.
Strength and Persistence
There may be detours and delays, but you’ll always rise again with persistence and faith. The battle is meant to strengthen you. Rise like the eagle who flies above the nightly sky, staring at the world underneath it, with utter strength and persistence. Danny G.
Your Capable Hands
Believe in the God or Goddess you are, and that the power remains in your capable hands. There is no coincidence, as it’s all creation. Know your role is to have faith and persistence, and the rest is left to the universe to work its magic. Danny G.
Your Permanent Home
The path is paved before you. You can focus on success, or you can allow failure to become your home. Success requires perseverance and strength. It requires determination and faith. Stop focusing on lack, and make success your destination and permanent home. Danny G.
Replaced With Faith
Fear will tell you all the reasons you can’t, or all the reasons you’re not worthy. Faith will tell you everything is within your reach when you embody faith and let it become you. You can become fear, or you can become faith. Faith is staring at the fear and saying, you’re only a misconception and a lie, and I replace you with faith. Danny G.