The Enlightened One

Ask yourself whenever overwhelmed with your challenges, what is my soul trying to tell me? What is it trying to remind me of? Turn the overwhelming challenge into a lesson of peace, wisdom and compassion. Seek inward, seek stillness and allow your enlightened self to shine through. Danny G. 

Steadily Gaze Onward

Become more in love with your future than your past. Learn to let go of attachments and old baggage. Steadily gaze onward, and be led by your higher self, not by misconceptions that don’t define who you are. Danny G. 

Inner Peace in the Midst Of It

Seek inner peace in the midst of your adversities. Having inner peace despite the challenges is the best means to conquer them. Peace is seeing life through the eyes of source. From this space, wisdom, faith and clarity overcomes all. Danny G. 

The Core of Change

The core of who we are is change. When we suppress change or try to avoid it, we avoid life. Life is a constant unending journey of transformation and self awareness. Embrace change, embrace the unknown and embrace your true nature. See what change is calling from you. Seek inward, and you’ll discover the insights and action steps you need for your expansion and the evolution of humanity. Danny G. 

The Broader Self

Stay balanced in your mission regardless of what the world is saying. True leaders listen to their inner guidance and wisdom. They don’t seek outside themselves for the answer or solution. They know the answer comes from within, as they stay grounded and in alignment with their broader self and perspective. Danny G. 

The Faithful Man

The wise and faithful man may walk in the dark alleys, but he doesn’t allow darkness to overtake him. He remains steadfast to his vision, and he allows the dark valleys to turn into opportunities for growth and expansion. Danny G. 

Take A Step Back

When looking merely at the challenge, the solution can’t appear. Take a step back, reflect and seek inner peace. When stillness becomes your state of being, the answer and solution manifests with tranquility and ease. Danny G. 

Take the First Step

Take the first step, and the rest will unfold in its ideal timing. The incompletion keeps you seeking, and striving for greater. Seek the infinite intelligence, the limitless source and he will intervene as you declare it so. Danny G. 

The Art Of Deliberate Creation

Don’t follow the trend. Follow your inner guidance and wisdom. That’s where you’ll discover your true potential, power and self control. Hold fast to the vision you hold in your heart, and you’ll discover the art of deliberate creation. Danny G. 

Strengthen Your Roots

Strengthen your roots, so that when the storm surges through, you will be still standing like the palm tree that bends but never falls. Seek inward for the ultimate wisdom, and the peace that transcends all understanding. All this makes you stronger, wiser and the warrior you always were and always will be. Danny G.