Already Manifested

Desire is the first step. However, some people stay in this stage forever of merely wanting and never receiving. Others embrace their desires as though they already manifested. For they know with that mindset, anything is possible and anything is within their reach. Danny G. 

Act of Creation

When you master your emotions, you master life, and you know the simple act of creation begins with your feelings and emotions. Together with optimism, faith and action steps, your destination is bound to be, and bound to thrive. Danny G. 

A Respected Leader

Influence others the right way, through compassion, not fear. Motivate, don’t coerce or lie. Inspire, and be a source of wisdom and empathy. This is the path of the well respected leader who leads by love, and not fear. Danny G. 

You Are Powerful

Don’t use others as your excuse to steer off course. You are powerful. You are the deliberate creator of your reality. Nobody is creating for you. When you allow others’ misalignment to steer you off course, you lose your power. Stay balanced, stay grounded on what you know, and don’t let the stream take you upstream. Create in the midst of it, and guide the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

Practice Faith Gratitude and Compassion

Whatever you practice and repeat over time, becomes ingrained in your subconscious mind. Practice faith, gratitude, compassion, and it becomes an expression of who you truly are. Be mindful of your conscious thinking, so your conscious mind becomes your subconscious mind. Danny G. 

Personal Growth and Transformation

That yearning and unanswered prayer keeps you striving for greater. You’ll always have another desire to fulfill, a new endeavor or project to undertake. Life is an unending journey of trial and error to your destination. It’s all for your personal growth and transformation. Don’t fight it or condemn it, just allow the divine to reveal the path for greater success. Danny G. 

Many Chapters

You’ll always have more questions unanswered. That’s what makes you human. Your spiritual journey has many different chapters where you’ll remember and forget. Then you’ll have a reminder that will reignite a fire in your heart. That’s the point of a journey, to grow in your spiritual evolution for you and for the expansion of all that is. Danny G. 

Be the Miracle

If you want a miracle, be the miracle. Be the miracle by having steadfast unwavering faith. Be the miracle by not doubting the divine. And be the miracle by being the best version of who you are, an expression of divinity bound to flourish and thrive. With this faith, your destination is inevitable. Danny G. 

Don’t Doubt the Infinite

If you have a desire, it’s your indication you have the means to manifest it. Don’t doubt the infinite and limitless source. The ultimate question should be, are you on board? Do you believe it’s too good to be true, or can you embrace it now? Danny G. 

A Powerful Tool

Your thoughts and words have the potential to make you or break you. Eventually they turn into actions and behavior. Be conscientious of what you dwell on. Your mind is a powerful tool when used constructively. Within your thoughts lies your subconscious which has all the inner chatter. Turn that inner chatter into faith and productivity. Change your mindset from pessimism to optimism, from bitterness to compassion. With this mindset, lies true mastery. Danny G.