You’re not meant to squirm in affliction, nor to suffer endlessly. If you have a desire born within you, it’s God asking you to move forward. Let peace lead the way. Don’t procrastinate, take action steps to your dream. Know the loving God we serve has your best interest at heart. Don’t doubt, persist, have faith and know his will for your life is your will for your life. Don’t resist and simply allow it to be. Danny G.
By Love and Unity
You inspire the best in others by showing compassion and empathy. You inspire the best by looking at their qualities rather than their weaknesses. You inspire the best by focusing on their potential rather than their failures. Uplift others the right way, not through manipulation or coercion, but through love and unity. Danny G.
Complete Authenticity
Ask yourself where that yearning stems from. That yearning that is needed in the world. That yearning that your uniqueness can shine through. You’ll find it in your passion, in your stillness, and in your compassion. That’s what you came for to be and do, and that’s what the universe is asking from you, your authenticity in complete fruition. Danny G.
We are all masters if we choose to be. We master our calling and purpose which are all interconnected in the healing of the planet. Some paint a picture, and others teach through their words of wisdom. Others teach their children through their virtues and values they hold dear. Find your passion, your dharma and your inspiration to move forward. Create your mission, and allow it to impact all those lives you touch. Danny G.
From Hopelessness to Happiness
One of the main feelings of depression is hopelessness, and feeling powerless over your challenges. Realize you cannot control everything, and realize you cannot control people. Recognize your true power lies in your reaction to your adversities. With this mindset, you turn hopelessness into happiness and success. Danny G.
Destined to Conquer
We do not want to face what is painful or terrifying. We let it linger where it collects more energy, so much that it’s ready to burst. We keep on ignoring it, until we are forced to face it. Don’t wait until the problem becomes insurmountable, or overwhelming. Catch it in the earlier stages, seek peace despite the challenge, and declare the Phoenix you are, destined to conquer. Danny G.
Appreciation and Joy
There’s nothing wrong with wanting beautiful things and a life of luxury. The problem begins when we want these things for validation and self worth, which is the ego dominating. Seek inward, and seek your spiritual journey. Don’t fill a void with materialism, for that void will never cease to be. Seek your higher self, and allow these things to manifest without the ego, but with pure appreciation and joy. Danny G.
Faith in the Infinite Intelligence
When adversity strikes hard in your life, and you have no faith, what will you rely on? If you don’t depend on your spiritual evolution, you’re relying on the faith of others. Often times, it fails. True healing and breakthrough comes from within. When you’re relying on a system, you’re casting your faith on happenstance. Cast your faith in you, on the divine and infinite intelligence you are, and the answer and solution will manifest and thrive. Danny G.
Be the Guide
If you want to help others, do not wish to conform them. Do not tell them this is the only path. And do not try to persuade them. Teach and lead through the clarity of your example, and allow them to find their dharma, purpose and calling. Allow them to find their passion and joy. Be a guide, not a conformist. This is the best means to unleash the genius within them. Danny G.
Creating Our Will
We’re all participating in the writing of our own will. We write the will of our life through the picture we hold in our mind. We paint it, sculpt it and scatter all our creativity into it, creating the masterpiece of our life. Danny G.