Your illusionary demons may try to destroy you. You created them in your mind because you knew what was on the other side. You knew once you conquered them, strength, vitality and the phoenix within you would emerge. Though the demons may feel fierce and powerful, you know the God within you is greater than any opposition. When you’re in alignment with this divine intelligence, no illusionary dark forces have their way with you, because you know faith and persistence overcomes all. Danny G.
Do Not Resist
Do not resist your illusionary demons, love them for what they are meant to do, to strengthen you and to teach you. When you love them, the fear and dread dissipates. For you know their true mission, to bring out the best you. Danny G.
All Uniting
Humanity needs balance and contrast. It needs creativity and wisdom. It needs your contributions, your purpose and calling. When we all unite to share our unique and authentic selves, we create a greater world and a greater humanity. Danny G.
A Phoenix Destined to Thrive
When you are faced upon a wall, a barrier obstructing your path, declare your strength and potential within. Your soul learned the lesson time and time again, so things can never be the same again. Move beyond it, remember, and be reminded, that you’re a phoenix destined to thrive. Danny G.
A Lesson and Mission
We are students of our own soul, discovering the spirit in us that transcends all understanding. We must learn to listen to our soul, embrace it for what is is, a lesson, and a mission to our calling and purpose. Danny G.
You can’t assign a gender to THE ALL THAT IS, the source and creator. In God’s eyes, there is no superiority with gender. If there was superiority, God wouldn’t be called the THE GREAT I AM! You define who you are with the great words I AM! Your gender doesn’t define you, nor will this compassionate source stand by you in judgment. Know God will stand by you every step of the way never discriminating who you truly are and who you came forth to be. Danny G.
Calling Purpose and Fulfillment
The universe yearns for your communication, compassion and unity. Tap into the infinite intelligence by stillness, tranquility and inner peace. God is difficult to hear when your mind is chaotic or confused. Quiet down, listen, be your authentic and unique self, and the universe will support you with your true calling, purpose and fulfillment. Danny G.
Joy and Peace in Your Soul
What you’re seeking is joy and peace of the soul. When you find that happiness and stillness, you know you’re fulfilled, and you know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be in this physical plane. You’re not operating by your ego, but by the divine being you are. From this space, you will have the desires of your heart. Danny G.
A Beacon For the Masses
The universe was created for you and humanity. It was created for us to seek our individual mission and collective mission. The mission should be joy, passion and our contributions to the world. By sharing our unique and authentic purpose and abilities, we become a beacon for the masses. Danny G.
Pursue It in Unity
When you want to achieve a breakthrough, pursue it with unity in your heart. Know that you are interconnected with everyone and everything. Don’t seek it out of separation, or the ego, for divinity doesn’t dwell in the ego, divinity dwells in all that is. Danny G.