Admitting your mistakes and taking accountability for them is wise, but solely focusing on your mistakes is old mythology. You can’t carry a heavy bag on your shoulders continuously without feeling the burden eventually. Admit, learn, let go and allow the phoenix to rise within you. Danny G.
Introspection is key to solving your personal problems and manifesting your desires. It’s easier to overcome an adversity when you can identify its root cause and reason for being. It’s easier to manifest your desires when you know what’s holding you back. Seek, search, explore and the answer will come day by day as you recognize your power and potential within. Danny G.
Heaven on Earth
We can declare heaven in our life, or we can declare hell. The choice is up to us. Our environments at times grabs a hold on us, but it’s our reaction that we must overcome to create success and a breakthrough. Don’t be conditioned to a fate outside your control, create your own heaven on earth. You create it by seeking faith, wisdom and compassion. You create by knowing you’re not a slave to the world or your environment. Pursue your soul whole heartedly, and you will have the desires of your heart. Danny G.
Integrating your insights and wisdom is evolution. Spirituality is dead without applying it. Seeking your spiritual evolution and acting from the inspiration within you, is expansion and evolving. Evolve by becoming divinity expressed in a physical body. And evolve by reaching out, and being a light onto the world. Danny G.
Embrace Your Power and Potential
Declare you love the discomfort no matter how irritating it is. When you learn to love it for what it is, you embrace your power and potential within. The discomfort is there to teach you what you need to know to be at peace nevertheless. It’s teaching you to be at peace despite the imperfections of life. It’s teaching you to master your emotions. For when you master your emotions, you master your life. Danny G.
Being Led by the Inspiration
Don’t be a victim to the future. You are powerful. You are a creator. You are brave and courageous. Don’t allow the future to speak for you, speak to it, declare what you want, and be led by the inspiration within you. Danny G.
Fulfilled Joyous and Free
Make sure you climb the right mountain with your passions, beliefs and expectations. Don’t climb someone else’s mountain, or the mediocre life that others say is your reality. Find your unique abilities and capabilities, and follow your authenticity. Then when you arrive at the top, you won’t be regretting, but you will feel fulfilled, joyous and free. Danny G.
An Empowered Being
Instead of focusing so much on conspiracy theories, focus on the deliberate creator you are. The conspiracy theories, whether an illusion or real are simply external factors. Your true power and potential remains within. Seek inward, create your reality, be an empowered being, and you’ll teach others their true power and potential remains within. Danny G.
Our Ultimate Free Will
Our freedom of choice allows us to express ourselves in whichever way we choose. Freedom can mean anger, bitterness and pessimism, or it can mean compassion, peace and faith. We are the creators in this physical plane. Nobody is creating for us, nor do they have a hold on us. We create that hold by believing an external source has the final say. God gave us the final say through free will, and now it’s up to us to create a greater world and a greater humanity. Danny G.
Embrace Your Divinity
Don’t allow fear to hold you hostage. Embrace your divinity, your unwavering faith and strength. Change from believing to knowing. When you step into the unknown, and you know your desire is meant to be, your destination is inevitable and bound to be. Danny G.