Don’t give in to other’s opinions of you, or the should of life. You create your world through the deliberate being you are. Every unique soul that did great things didn’t conform to society. What made them great was their unwillingness to turn them into something they’re not. What made them great was the authentic being they truly are. They took the should, disregarded it and created a magnificent work of art. Danny G.
Boundless Opportunities
Sit with your disappointments, explore and understand their origin. Out of every disappointment lies your power to create and change. Explore how you can turn this road block into a success story. When you understand the road blocks, it becomes easier to change and create into this limitless universe, with boundless potential and opportunities. Danny G.
Meant to be Heard
There’s only one like you, that sees the universe through your unique lenses and perspective. Go out into the world, and express yourself through your authentic abilities. Begin a dialogue with the divine that’s meant to be heard. Danny G.
Listen Within
You experience the same hardships over and over again, until you break the cycle and break the boundaries. Listen within to what the experience is teaching you. See it as an opportunity to break free and thrive. See it as an opportunity to evolve into a greater self awareness. And see it as an opportunity to break through and triumph. Danny G.
Let Your Soul Lead the Way
Your mind tells you it’s impossible. Your soul tells you to have faith, and that everything is possible. Your mind becomes confused with endless questions. Your soul says do what brings you peace and happiness. Your mind says be like him or her. Your soul says be your unique and authentic self. Retrain your mind to act from your soul. When you do, your mission becomes clear, and you act from the divinity you are. Danny G.
Allow it to Inspire You
Let the adversities inspire a desire for your personal growth. Let it inspire a desire to impact others along your journey. When we let it inspire us without letting it discourage us, we recognize our true power, potential and self control. Danny G.
It Begins With One Step
At times tragedy awakes you when you are asleep. Often when we are asleep for too long, we need something to shake us a little. And then little by little we transform. We grow. We unite. Just don’t wait until tragedy comes knocking at your door. Focus on your spiritual evolution, quiet your mind, and replace I can’t with I CAN! Transformation begins with a single step, and it doesn’t need tragedy, it just needs your self awareness and personal growth. Danny G.
Intention With Action
Intention without action doesn’t yield results. For you can intend your whole life never getting anywhere. Intention backed up with the right thinking, the right emotions and the right behavior, yields results. There’s a reason for the journey, but there’s also a reason for the destination. Both play an important role. Intend, create, enjoy the journey while focusing on your destination, and eventually, those action steps will lead to your every desire. Danny G.
Higher Consciousness
Stop giving your power away through others’ manipulation. Regain your power through self awareness and a higher consciousness. Realize your true power resides in your free will. No one can do anything to you without your consent. Declare who you are, a child of God with a mission in mind to create your destiny. Nothing is off limits and nothing is impossible. Your starting point begins with your free will. Danny G.
A Guiding Light
We didn’t come to earth to be victims, we came to this planet to create positive change. The question to create change is always within you with every moment. The most important question is, are you listening? Are you following your inner guidance and wisdom? Are you procrastinating and becoming complacent? God is calling you to be the change, so step up and be a guiding light to the world. Danny G.