Every great leader made mistakes, but they were still blessed with success and prosperity. Don’t underestimate yourself and your life. You are unique and authentic. You have something to share with the word. Let go of negative attachments, and embrace your true potential and power. Danny G.
Beautiful and Meaningful
Change the negative into a positive by finding meaning and purpose within the imperfections. There is imperfection everywhere you go, and with everyone you see. True mastery is turning the imperfections, the chaos and havoc into something beautiful and meaningful. Danny G.
Be Productive and Proactive
What we focus on becomes our very existence. The more I focus on well being, faith and optimism, the more I give life to it. The more I focus on pessimism, fears and bitterness, the more I give life to it. Be productive and proactive with your mind, knowing your intentions and motives are stepping stones carving the path before you. Danny G.
A Safe Path
Every great leader has been through dark nights and valleys. Don’t allow the adversities to turn you bitter or pessimistic. The dark nights are meant to transform you, and cause you to prosper. Within the valleys lies a safe path that will lead you to your destination and triumph. Danny G.
Stillness Within the Storm
Adversities last a season, and summer always comes after winter. If we give in, adversities wear us down over time and take its toll on us. We must learn to be at peace despite the challenges. When we find stillness within the storm, adversities remain seasons, and summer always comes again with the bright soaring sun. Danny G.
Scarcity or Abundance
Pay attention to your thoughts and ask yourself if you are acting on scarcity or abundance. Scarcity plays it safe. Scarcity doesn’t take risks. Scarcity lacks faith. Act on abundance and know the infinite and limitless source is for you, not against you. The universal spirit that transcends the universe wants abundance and prosperity for you. Know this in your heart, and you will receive. Think, speak and act as though it’s already yours, and you’ll hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Release the Criticism
Release the self critical lenses, and be grateful for where you are and how far you’ve come. Everyone starts on different paths, so don’t be too hard on yourself for your trips and falls. The trips and falls will catapult you into the spiritual warrior you’re destined to be. Danny G.
Change is What We Are
Fear over the unknown is fearing change. Change is what we are, and it’s what we came forth to be. Don’t procrastinate your whole life fearing change. Don’t become complacent and stagnant in your ways. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are. With this faith, you can trample mountains before you. Danny G.
The School Of Life
Learn to embrace change in the school of life. Fighting against it only creates complacency. Change is necessary for your journey and the evolution of humanity. Seek personal growth, and the world will mirror back your genuine soul. Danny G.
Be Receptive
If you are serious about creating positive change, life will bring you to the next step. Be receptive to the signs from your soul. Be open, and know you open the doors through the divine being you are. You are divinity expressed in a physical body, and nothing is outside your reach. Danny G.